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Last active July 30, 2016 01:58
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class String
def reverse_sentance
new_sentance = self
new_sentance = new_sentance.gsub(".", "")
new_sentance = new_sentance.split(" ")
new_sentance = new_sentance.reverse
new_sentance = new_sentance.join(" ")
new_sentance << "."
return new_sentance
def reverse_paragraph
new_paragraph = self; reversed_sentances = []
sentances = new_paragraph.split(".")
sentances.each { |sentance| reversed_sentances << sentance.reverse_sentance }
return reversed_sentances.join(" ")
puts "====================== Starting Tests ======================"
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'
input = "the quick brown fox jumps."
output = "jumps fox brown quick the."
input2 = "the quick brown fox jumps. over the lazy dog."
output2 = "jumps fox brown quick the. dog lazy the over."
describe "#reverse_sentance" do
it "reverses a sentance, but keep the period in place" do
assert_equal(output, input.reverse_sentance)
describe "#reverse_paragraph" do
it "reverses multiple sentances" do
assert_equal(output2, input2.reverse_paragraph)
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