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Last active April 12, 2019 23:07
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Moving from private IMAP to third party IMAP
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script try to convert a mailfilter file into sieve filter file.
# I have some variables defined in my primary filter file thats the reason
# why the options -v exists.
# example call
# perl -v HOME=/var/vmail/ -v FTC=' ["from","to","cc"] '\
# -v FTCD=' ["from","to","cc","delivered-to"] ' -v FTCR=' ["to","from","cc","reply-to"] '\
# -v FTCRP=' ["to","from","cc","return-path"] ' -file=/var/vmail/\
# > /var/vmail/
# This script is written by Aleksandar Lazic <>
# Version: 0.1
# Date: 2011.09.19
use strict;
use File::Slurp;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
our $DEBUG=undef;
our $vars;
our $cmd_params;
our $mailfilter_file;
GetOptions ("variables=s%" => \$cmd_params,
"file=s" => \$mailfilter_file,
"debug" => \$DEBUG,
print 'Commandline options ',Dumper($cmd_params),"\n" if $DEBUG;
print 'Commandline options HOME ',$cmd_params->{'HOME'},"\n" if $DEBUG;
if (-d $mailfilter_file || !-f $mailfilter_file ||!-s $mailfilter_file) {
print 'File: ', $mailfilter_file,' is not readable ',$!,"\n";
exit 2;
# read in a whole file into a array ref
my $array_ref = read_file( $mailfilter_file, { chomp => 1 , array_ref => 1 }) ;
print Dumper($array_ref),"\n" if $DEBUG;
sub _handle_var($);
sub _handle_if($);
sub _handle_include($);
sub _handle_to($);
# default modules for sieve
print 'require "envelope";
require "subaddress";
require "fileinto";
require "variables";
require "mailbox";
require "regex";
foreach my $aline (@{$array_ref}){
next if $aline =~ /^\#/;
_handle_var($aline) if $aline =~ /^[A-Z]+/;
_handle_if($aline) if $aline =~ /^if/;
_handle_include($aline) if $aline =~ /^include/;
if ($aline =~ /\s+to/) {
my $dest_dir = _handle_to($aline);
print 'Destination Directory >>',$dest_dir,"<<\n" if $DEBUG;
print Dumper($vars),"\n" if $DEBUG;
sub _handle_if($) {
my $line = shift;
# the following if statements are handled
print '_handle_if::line >>',$line,"<<\n" if $DEBUG;
$line =~ s/^?\(From\|to\|cc\)/\$FTC/i;
$line =~ s/^?\(to\|from\|cc\)/\$FTC/i;
$line =~ s/^?\(To\|CC\|From\)/\$FTC/i;
$line =~ s/^?\(To\|From\|Cc\|Reply-To\)/\$FTCR/i;
$line =~ s/^?\(From\|To\|Cc\|Return-Path\)/\$FTCRP/i;
print '_handle_if::line >>',$line,"<<\n" if $DEBUG;
my ($ext_val1,$ext_val2) = (undef,undef);
my ($ext_name1,$ext_name2) = (undef,undef);
my $allof_or_anyof = undef;
# FTCD="(From|To|Cc|Delivered-To)"
# FTC = "(From|To|Cc)"
# re> /if\s*\(+\$\{(\w+)\}\s+=~\s+\/\^?(.*)\/\)?\s+.*?\|\|\s+\(+\/\^?\$\{?(\w+)\}?:(.*)\//
# data> if((${EXT} =~ /^webappsec/) || (/^$FTC:.*webappsec.**/))
# 0: if((${EXT} =~ /^webappsec/) || (/^$FTC:.*webappsec.**/
# 1: EXT
# 2: webappsec
# 3: FTC
# 4: .*webappsec.**
if($line =~/if\s*\(+\$\{(\w+)\}\s+=~\s+\/\^?(.*)\/\)?\s*.*?\|\|\s*\(*\/\^?\$\{?(\w+)\}?:(.*)\//){
print "_handle_if::match frist regex\n" if $DEBUG;
print '_handle_if::ext_parse >>',"($1,$2)<<\n" if $DEBUG;
print '_handle_if::ext_parse >>',"($3,$4)<<\n" if $DEBUG && defined $3;
$ext_val1 = $2;
$ext_name2 = $cmd_params->{$3} if defined $3 && exists $cmd_params->{$3};
$ext_val2 = $4 if defined $4;
if($ext_val1 =~ /\&\&/){
# from original line
# if((${EXT} =~ /^mutt/ && ${EXT2} =~ /^dev/) || /^$FTC:(.*mutt-dev)?.*@(bugs\.guug\.de|mutt\.org|gbnet\.net).*/)
# _handle_if::ext_val1 >>mutt/ && ${EXT2} =~ /^dev<<
$ext_val1 =~ /(\w+)\/\)?\s+\&\&\s+\(?\$\{(\w+)\}\s+=~\s+\/\^?(.*)/;
print '_handle_if::ext_parse and >>',"($1,$2,$3)<<\n" if $DEBUG;
print '_handle_if::ext_parse and error >>',"$ext_val1<<\n" if $DEBUG && (!defined $1 or !defined $2 or !defined $3);
$ext_val1 = "$1-$3";
print '_handle_if::ext_ error >>',$line,"<<\n" if $DEBUG && (!defined $ext_name2 or !defined $ext_val2);
$allof_or_anyof = 'if anyof ( header :regex '.$ext_name2." \"$ext_val2\",\n";
print '_handle_if::allof_or_anyof >>',$allof_or_anyof,"<<\n" if $DEBUG;
# if(${EXT} =~ /^work/ && ${EXT2} =~ /^leica/)
}elsif($line =~ /if\s*\(\$\{(\w+)\}\s+=~\s+\/\^?(.*)\/\s+.*?\$\{(\w+)\}\s+=~\s+\/\^(.*)\//){
print "_handle_if::match second regex\n" if $DEBUG;
print '_handle_if::ext_parse >>',"($1,$2)<<\n" if $DEBUG;
print '_handle_if::ext_parse >>',"($3,$4)<<\n" if $DEBUG && defined $3;
$ext_val1 = $2;
$ext_val2 = $4 if defined $4;
# if(${EXT} =~ /^dovecot/)
}elsif ($line =~ /if\s*\(\$\{(\w+)\}\s+=~\s+\/\^?(.*)\//){
print "_handle_if::match third regex\n" if $DEBUG;
print '_handle_if::ext_parse >>',"($1,$2)<<\n" if $DEBUG;
$ext_val1 = $2;
}elsif ($line =~ /if\s*\(\/\^?\$\{?(\w+)\}?\s*:\s*(.*)\//){
print "_handle_if::match foured regex\n" if $DEBUG;
print '_handle_if::ext_parse >>',"($1,$2)<<\n" if $DEBUG;
$ext_name1 = $cmd_params->{$1} if defined $1 && exists $cmd_params->{$1};
$ext_val1 = $2;
if($ext_val1 =~ /(\S+)\/\s*\|\|\s*\(*\$\{?(\w+)\}?\s*=~\s*\/\^?(\w+)\/\s*\&\&\s*\$\{?(\w+)\}?\s*=~\s*\/\^?(\w+)/){
print '_handle_if::ext_parse and >>',"($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)<<\n" if $DEBUG;
print '_handle_if::ext_parse and error >>',"$ext_val1<<\n" if $DEBUG && (!defined $1 or !defined $3 or !defined $5);
$allof_or_anyof = 'if anyof ( header :regex '.$ext_name1." \"$1\",\n";
$ext_val1 = "$3-$5";
if ( defined $ext_val1 ){
print '_handle_if::ext_val1 >>',$ext_val1,"<<\n" if $DEBUG && defined $ext_val1;
print '_handle_if::ext_val2 >>',$ext_val2,"<<\n" if $DEBUG && defined $ext_val2;
# TODO make this line flexible
if(not defined $allof_or_anyof){
print 'if envelope :detail :matches "to" "',$ext_val1,'" {',"\n" if not defined $ext_name1;
print 'if header :regex ',$ext_name1,' "',$ext_val1,'" {',"\n" if defined $ext_name1;
}elsif(defined $allof_or_anyof){
$allof_or_anyof .= ' envelope :detail :matches "to" "'.$ext_val1.'" ) {'."\n";
print $allof_or_anyof;
} # end _handle_if
sub _handle_include($) {
my $line = shift;
# TODO will be added when needed
print '_handle_include::line >>',$line,"<<\n" if $DEBUG;
# _handle_include::line >>include $HOME/.mailfilters/vacation<<
# $VAR1 = 'include $HOME';
# $VAR2 = '.mailfilters';
# $VAR3 = 'vacation';
$line =~ s/.*include\s+\$//g;
my @paths = split(/\//,$line);
my $to_subst_variable = shift @paths;
print '_handle_include::$to_subst_variable >>',$to_subst_variable,"<<\n" if $DEBUG;
print '_handle_include:: ',Dumper(@paths),"\n" if $DEBUG;
my $inc_dir = undef;
if (exists $vars->{$to_subst_variable}) {
print '_handle_include::Variable::parinclude >>',$to_subst_variable,"<< found\n" if $DEBUG;
$inc_dir = $vars->{$to_subst_variable};
} elsif ( exists $cmd_params->{$to_subst_variable}){
print '_handle_include::Variable::cmd_params >>',$to_subst_variable,"<< found\n" if $DEBUG;
$inc_dir = $cmd_params->{$to_subst_variable};
# my $inc_file = $inc_dir,'/',join('/',@paths);
# print '_handle_include::include_path >>',$inc_file,"<<\n\n" if $DEBUG;
# $array_ref = read_file( $inc_file, { chomp => 1 , array_ref => 1 }) if -f $inc_file && -s $inc_file && ! -d $inc_file;
} # end _handle_if
sub _handle_to($) {
my $line = shift;
print '_handle_to::line >>',$line,"<<\n" if $DEBUG;
# _handle_to::line >> to $MY_MD/misc/smartwork/<<
$line =~ s/\s+to\s+\$//g;
# $MY_MD
my @paths = split(/\//,$line);
my $to_subst_variable = shift @paths;
# $VAR1 = 'MY_MD';
# $VAR2 = 'misc';
# $VAR3 = 'smartwork';
print '_handle_to:: ',Dumper(@paths),"\n" if $DEBUG;
# print 'Variable >>',$paths[0],"<< found\n" if exists $vars->{$paths[0]};
print '_handle_to::Variable >>',$to_subst_variable,"<< found\n" if exists $vars->{$to_subst_variable} && $DEBUG;
print ' fileinto :create "',join('.',@paths),"\";\n}\n\n";
} # end _handle_if
sub _handle_var($) {
my $line = shift;
print '_handle_var::line >>',$line,"<<\n" if $DEBUG;
$line =~ /(\S+)=(\S+)/;
$vars->{$1} = $2;
} # end _handle_if
* Convert from maildrop to seive:
* Configure MX:
* imapsync
* deltest account let it keep forwarding to
If I do the imapsync, will I lose the Fastmail mail?
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imapsync --host1 src --user1 user --passfile1 ~/imapsync/mailjail.password --host2 --user2 ser --passfile2 ~/imapsync/fastmail.password --automap --ssl1 --ssl2 --justfolders --dry --exclude FASTMAIL "$@"

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