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Created December 22, 2023 22:05
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# to get the original version of the eCO2 file
totalC_t0 <- 7.7; # not included in data, so hard code here
t0 <- 0;
N_t <- 25; # calculated by inspection
ts <- eCO2[1:25, "Days"];
eCO2mean <- eCO2[1:25, "eCO2mean"];
eCO2sd <- eCO2[1:25, "eCO2sd"];
df <- data.frame(list(ts=ts,eCO2mean=eCO2mean,eCO2sd=eCO2sd));
interval_95pct <- aes(ymin = eCO2mean + 1.96 * eCO2sd,
ymax = eCO2mean - 1.96 * eCO2sd);
plot_data <-
ggplot(df, aes(x=ts, y=eCO2mean)) +
geom_point() +
geom_errorbar(interval_95pct, width=0, colour="blue") +
scale_x_continuous(name="time (days)") +
scale_y_continuous(name="evolved CO2 (mgC g-1 soil)") +
ggtitle("Evolved CO2 Measurements (with 95% intervals)");
file_path <- "soil_incubation.stan";
functions {
* ODE system for two pool model with feedback and no inputs.
* This is the version that does not deal with measurement error.
* System State C is two dimensional with C[1] and C[2]
* being carbon in pools 1 and 2.
* The system has parameters
* theta = (k1, k2, alpha21, alpha12)
* where
* k1: pool 1 decomposition rate
* k2: pool 2 decomposition rate
* alpha21: transfer coefficient from pool 2 to pool 1
* alpha12: transfer coefficient from pool 1 to pool 2
* The system time derivatives are
* d.C[1] / d.t = -k1 * C[1] + alpha12 * k2 * C[2]
* d.C[2] / d.t = alpha21 * k1 * C[1] - k2 * C[2]
* @param t time at which derivatives are evaluated.
* @param C system state at which derivatives are evaluated.
* @param theta parameters for system.
* @param x_r real constants for system (empty).
* @param x_i integer constants for system (empty).
real[] two_pool_feedback(real t, real[] C, real[] theta,
real[] x_r, int[] x_i) {
real k1;
real k2;
real alpha21;
real alpha12;
real dC_dt[2];
k1 <- theta[1];
k2 <- theta[2];
alpha21 <- theta[3];
alpha12 <- theta[4];
dC_dt[1] <- -k1 * C[1] + alpha12 * k2 * C[2];
dC_dt[2] <- - k2 * C[2] + alpha21 * k1 * C[1] ;
return dC_dt;
* Compute total evolved CO2 from the system given the specified
* parameters and times. This is done by simulating the system
* defined by the ODE function two_pool_feedback and then
* subtracting the sum of the CO2 estimated in each pool from the
* initial CO2.
* @param T number of times.
* @param t0 initial time.
* @param ts observation times.
* @param gamma partitioning coefficient.
* @param k1 decomposition rate for pool 1
* @param k2 decomposition rate for pool 2
* @param alpha21 transfer coefficient from pool 2 to 1
* @param alpha12 transfer coefficient from pool 1 to 2
* @param x_r real data (empty)
* @param x_i integer data (empty)
* @return evolved CO2 for times ts
real[] evolved_CO2(int N_t, real t0, real[] ts,
real gamma, real totalC_t0,
real k1, real k2,
real alpha21, real alpha12,
real[] x_r, int[] x_i) {
real C_t0[2]; // initial state
real theta[4]; // ODE parameters
real C_hat[N_t,2]; // predicted pool content
real eCO2_hat[N_t];
C_t0[1] <- gamma * totalC_t0;
C_t0[2] <- (1 - gamma) * totalC_t0;
theta[1] <- k1;
theta[2] <- k2;
theta[3] <- alpha21;
theta[4] <- alpha12;
C_hat <- integrate_ode(two_pool_feedback,
C_t0, t0, ts, theta, x_r, x_i);
for (t in 1:N_t)
eCO2_hat[t] <- totalC_t0 - sum(C_hat[t]);
return eCO2_hat;
data {
real<lower=0> totalC_t0; // initial total carbon
real t0; // initial time
int<lower=0> N_t; // number of measurement times
real<lower=t0> ts[N_t]; // measurement times
real<lower=0> eCO2mean[N_t]; // measured cumulative evolved carbon
transformed data {
real x_r[0]; // no real data for ODE system
int x_i[0]; // no integer data for ODE system
parameters {
real<lower=0> k1; // pool 1 decomposition rate
real<lower=0> k2; // pool 2 decomposition rate
real<lower=0> alpha21; // transfer coeff from pool 2 to 1
real<lower=0> alpha12; // transfer coeff from pool 1 to 2
real<lower=0,upper=1> gamma; // partitioning coefficient
real<lower=0> sigma; // observation std dev
transformed parameters {
real eCO2_hat[N_t];
eCO2_hat <- evolved_CO2(N_t, t0, ts, gamma, totalC_t0,
k1, k2, alpha21, alpha12, x_r, x_i);
model {
// priors
gamma ~ beta(10,1); // identifies pools
k1 ~ normal(0,1); // weakly informative
k2 ~ normal(0,1);
alpha21 ~ normal(0,1);
alpha12 ~ normal(0,1);
sigma ~ cauchy(0,1);
// likelihood
for (t in 1:N_t)
eCO2mean[t] ~ normal(eCO2_hat[t], sigma); // normal error
lines <- readLines(file_path, encoding="ASCII");
for (n in 1:length(lines)) cat(lines[n],'\n');
fit <- stan("soil_incubation.stan",
data=c("totalC_t0", "t0", "N_t", "ts", "eCO2mean"),
chains=2, iter=200, seed=1234);
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