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Created March 20, 2016 16:51
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Python LRU cache that works with coroutines (asyncio)
"""Global LRU caching utility. For that little bit of extra speed.
The caching utility provides a single wrapper function that can be used to
provide a bit of extra speed for some often used function. The cache is an LRU
cache including a key timeout.
import cache
def myfun(x, y):
return x + y
Also support asyncio coroutines::
async def myfun(x, y):
x_result = await fetch_x(x)
return x_result + y
The cache can be manually cleared with `myfun.cache.clear()`
import asyncio
from functools import wraps
from lru import LRUCacheDict
__all__ = ['memoize']
def _wrap_coroutine_storage(cache_dict, key, future):
async def wrapper():
val = await future
cache_dict[key] = val
return val
return wrapper()
def _wrap_value_in_coroutine(val):
async def wrapper():
return val
return wrapper()
def memoize(f):
"""An in-memory cache wrapper that can be used on any function, including
__cache = LRUCacheDict(max_size=256, expiration=60)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# Simple key generation. Notice that there are no guarantees that the
# key will be the same when using dict arguments.
key = f.__module__ + '#' + f.__name__ + '#' + repr((args, kwargs))
val = __cache[key]
if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(f):
return _wrap_value_in_coroutine(val)
return val
except KeyError:
val = f(*args, **kwargs)
if asyncio.iscoroutine(val):
# If the value returned by the function is a coroutine, wrap
# the future in a new coroutine that stores the actual result
# in the cache.
return _wrap_coroutine_storage(__cache, key, val)
# Otherwise just store and return the value directly
__cache[key] = val
return val
return wrapper
"""Tests the caching module."""
import asyncio
import unittest
import cache
called = 0
def wrapped():
global called
called += 1
return 10
class MemoizeClass(object):
cls_called = 0
cls_async_called = 0
def my_class_fun(cls):
cls.cls_called += 1
return 20
async def my_async_classmethod(cls):
cls.cls_async_called += 1
return 40
def __init__(self):
self.called = 0
def my_fun(self):
self.called += 1
return 30
async def my_async_fun(self):
self.called += 1
return 50
class TestMemoize(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
def test_memoize_fun(self):
"""It should work for a module level method"""
self.assertEqual(called, 0)
val = wrapped()
self.assertEqual(val, 10)
self.assertEqual(called, 1)
val = wrapped()
self.assertEqual(val, 10)
self.assertEqual(called, 1)
def test_memoize_class_method(self):
"""It should work for a classmethod"""
self.assertEqual(MemoizeClass.cls_called, 0)
val = MemoizeClass.my_class_fun()
self.assertEqual(val, 20)
self.assertEqual(MemoizeClass.cls_called, 1)
val = MemoizeClass.my_class_fun()
self.assertEqual(val, 20)
self.assertEqual(MemoizeClass.cls_called, 1)
def test_memoize_instance_method(self):
"""It should work for an instance method"""
mc = MemoizeClass()
self.assertEqual(mc.called, 0)
val = mc.my_fun()
self.assertEqual(val, 30)
self.assertEqual(mc.called, 1)
val = mc.my_fun()
self.assertEqual(val, 30)
self.assertEqual(mc.called, 1)
def test_memoize_async_classmethod(self):
"""It should work with an async coroutine as classmethod."""
self.assertEqual(MemoizeClass.cls_async_called, 0)
async def go():
val_fut1 = await MemoizeClass.my_async_classmethod()
val_fut2 = await MemoizeClass.my_async_classmethod()
self.assertEqual(val_fut1, 40)
self.assertEqual(val_fut2, 40)
self.assertEqual(MemoizeClass.cls_async_called, 1)
def test_memoize_async(self):
"""It should work with an async coroutine instance method."""
mc = MemoizeClass()
self.assertEqual(mc.called, 0)
async def go():
val_fut1 = await mc.my_async_fun()
val_fut2 = await mc.my_async_fun()
self.assertEqual(val_fut1, 50)
self.assertEqual(val_fut2, 50)
self.assertEqual(mc.called, 1)
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