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Created September 19, 2014 09:10
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Custom için xfield parametresi (332)
Dosya : engine/modules/functions.php
Bul :
global $db, $is_logged, $member_id, $xf_inited, $cat_info, $config, $user_group, $category_id, $_TIME, $lang, $smartphone_detected, $dle_module, $allow_comments_ajax, $PHP_SELF, $news_date, $banners, $banner_in_news, $url_page, $user_query, $custom_news, $global_news_count;
İle değiştir ( Yani arasına $_custom_xfield ekle ):
global $db, $_custom_xfield, $is_logged, $member_id, $xf_inited, $cat_info, $config, $user_group, $category_id, $_TIME, $lang, $smartphone_detected, $dle_module, $allow_comments_ajax, $PHP_SELF, $news_date, $banners, $banner_in_news, $url_page, $user_query, $custom_news, $global_news_count;
Bul :
if( preg_match( "#category=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
Üstüne Ekle :
if( preg_match( "#xfield=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
if ( $match[1] == "_SEARCH_" ) {
$where[] = "p.xfields LIKE '%" . str_replace( ":", "|", $_custom_xfield ) . "%'";
} else {
$_temp = explode( ",", $match[1] ); $_rules = array();
foreach ( $_temp as $_temp2 ) {
$_rules[] = "p.xfields LIKE '%" . str_replace( ":", "|", $_temp2 ) . "%'";
$where[] = implode( " AND ", $_rules );
Eğer kategori içinde böyle bir özellik isterseniz :
Bul :
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
Üstüne Ekle :
if ( $match[1] == "_INSIDE_" && isset( $category_id ) ) $match[1] = $category_id;
Dosya : engine/engine.php
Bul :
} elseif ($do == 'xfsearch') {
} elseif ($do == 'userinfo') {
İle Değiştir :
// İlave alan çoklu arama
} elseif ($do == 'xfsearch') {
if ($cstart) {
$cstart = $cstart - 1;
$cstart = $cstart * $config['news_number'];
$fields = array(
'year' => "Yıl",
'country' => "Ülke",
'rating' => "Değerlendirme",
'il' => "İl",
'ilce' => "İlçe", // Bu alanların nasıl kullanıldığı hakkında bilgi:
$newsmodule = true; $stop_xf = false;
$xf = $_GET['xf'];
if ( $config['charset'] == "utf-8" AND $config['charset'] != detect_encoding($xf) ) {
$xf = iconv( "UTF-8", "utf-8//IGNORE", $xf );
// Field Control
if ( strpos($xf, "|") !== false ) { $xfs = explode("|", $xf); $xfs = array_filter( $xfs ); foreach( $xfs as $xfv ) { $_tmp = explode( ":", $xfv); if (!in_array( $_tmp[0], array_keys( $fields ))) { msgbox( "Hata", "Bu alan için arama yapamazsınız." ); break; } } }
if ( strpos($xf, "|") !== false ) {
$xfs = explode("|", $xf); $xfs = array_filter( $xfs ); $_xf = array();
if ( count( $xfs ) == 1 ) { $_custom_xfield = $xfs[0]; }
foreach( $xfs as $xfk => $xfv ) {
if (!empty($xfv)) {
$xfv = @$db->safesql ( htmlspecialchars ( strip_tags ( stripslashes ( trim ( $xfv ) ) ), ENT_QUOTES, $config['charset'] ) );
$xfv = str_replace( ":", "|", $xfv );
$_xf[] = "xfields LIKE '%{$xfv}%'";
$_xf = implode( " AND ", $_xf );
$url_page = $config['http_home_url'] . "xfsearch/" . urlencode ( str_replace("'", "'", $xf) );
$user_query = "do=xfsearch&amp;xf=" . urlencode ( str_replace("'", "'", $xf) );
$sql_select = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, p.autor,, p.short_story, CHAR_LENGTH(p.full_story) as full_story, p.xfields, p.title, p.category, p.alt_name, p.comm_num, p.allow_comm, p.fixed, p.tags, e.news_read, e.allow_rate, e.rating, e.vote_num, e.votes, e.view_edit, e.editdate, e.editor, e.reason FROM " . PREFIX . "_post p LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_post_extras e ON ( WHERE {$stop_list}{$_xf} AND approve=1" . $where_date . " ORDER BY " . $news_sort_by . " " . $news_direction_by . " LIMIT " . $cstart . "," . $config['news_number'];
$sql_count = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count";
$allow_active_news = true;
$spdbar = array();
foreach ($xfs as $xfsv) {
$_tmp = explode( ":", $xfsv);
$spdbar[] = $fields[ $_tmp[0] ] . " : " . $_tmp[1];
$xf = implode( " &amp; ", $spdbar ); // Speedbar aralardaki işaret: &amp; yani &
} else {
$xf = @$db->safesql ( htmlspecialchars ( strip_tags ( stripslashes ( trim ( $xf ) ) ), ENT_QUOTES, $config['charset'] ) );
$url_page = $config['http_home_url'] . "xfsearch/" . urlencode ( str_replace("'", "'", $xf) );
$user_query = "do=xfsearch&amp;xf=" . urlencode ( str_replace("'", "'", $xf) );
if (isset ( $_SESSION['dle_sort_xfsearch'] )) $news_sort_by = $_SESSION['dle_sort_xfsearch'];
if (isset ( $_SESSION['dle_direction_xfsearch'] )) $news_direction_by = $_SESSION['dle_direction_xfsearch'];
$sql_select = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, p.autor,, p.short_story, CHAR_LENGTH(p.full_story) as full_story, p.xfields, p.title, p.category, p.alt_name, p.comm_num, p.allow_comm, p.fixed, p.tags, e.news_read, e.allow_rate, e.rating, e.vote_num, e.votes, e.view_edit, e.editdate, e.editor, e.reason FROM " . PREFIX . "_post p LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_post_extras e ON ( WHERE {$stop_list}xfields LIKE '%{$xf}%' AND approve=1" . $where_date . " ORDER BY " . $news_sort_by . " " . $news_direction_by . " LIMIT " . $cstart . "," . $config['news_number'];
$sql_count = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count";
$allow_active_news = true;
// İlave alan çoklu arama
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