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Last active January 29, 2024 17:12
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k8s: Updating a Secret

Hopefully helped another k8s newbie with the following. The question was, how do you update a single key in a secret in k8s? I don't know anything about secrets but I will probably want to know this in the future, so here we go.

First, to create a dummy secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: test-secret
  foo: YmFy
  ding: ZG9uZw==
  wing: d2FuZw==
type: Clear

The type value above is probably invalid. I tried creating the secret with cleartext values but this didn't work; the parser complained that the values are not base64-encoded. There may be a way around this but then it wouldn't really be secrets, it would be a configmap.

I created this using kubectl apply -f secrets.yml. I can then verify:

$ kubectl get secret test-secret -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  ding: ZG9uZw==
  foo: YmFy
  wing: d2FuZw==
kind: Secret
  annotations: |
  creationTimestamp: 2018-02-16T17:56:50Z
  name: test-secret
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "306952"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/test-secret
  uid: c39e5c65-1342-11e8-87db-fa163e320b73
type: Clear

So here's the patching:

$ kubectl patch secret test-secret -p='{"data":{"wing": "d29uZw=="}}' -v=1
secret "test-secret" patched

And now to verify:

$ kubectl get secret test-secret -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  ding: ZG9uZw==
  foo: YmFy
  wing: d29uZw==
kind: Secret
  annotations: |
  creationTimestamp: 2018-02-16T17:56:50Z
  name: test-secret
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "307409"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/test-secret
  uid: c39e5c65-1342-11e8-87db-fa163e320b73
type: Clear
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sopticek commented Feb 4, 2020


you can create secrets with clear text values by using the stringData field instead of the data field. Since stringData is write-only, it can be used only for setting values. When retrieving, the stringData field will not be shown in the output and all values set via stringData will be under the data field in Base64-encoded format. For example, your secret can be created in the following way:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: test-secret
  foo: foo-value
  ding: ding-value
  wing: wing-value

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dleske commented Feb 18, 2020

Thanks for pointing that out @sopticek!

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shalvah commented Apr 24, 2020

Thanks, you did help someone.

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mrsipan commented May 15, 2020

Which implies that we don't need base64 for a quick update:

kubectl patch secret test-secret -p='{"stringData":{"wing": "wing-value"}}' -v=1

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chudyandrej commented Oct 2, 2020

This command worked for me:

kubectl patch secret  test-secret -p="{\"data\":{\"foo\": \"`echo -n 'value' | base64`\"}}"

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Yes, you helped another someone =)

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magf commented Nov 16, 2022

Which implies that we don't need base64 for a quick update:

kubectl patch secret test-secret -p='{"stringData":{"wing": "wing-value"}}' -v=1

best solution

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Another newbie you've helped a few years later. Thanks a ton for sharing!

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Instead of the value, can we rename only the key, for example "wing" only to something else.. for example "test"

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