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Created February 12, 2020 17:09
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import sys
import torch
import torch_xla.utils.tf_record_reader as tfrr
a = """
image/class/label tensor([82])
image/class/synset n01796340
image/channels tensor([3])
image/object/bbox/label tensor([], dtype=torch.int64)
image/width tensor([900])
image/format JPEG
image/height tensor([600])
image/class/text ptarmigan
image/object/bbox/ymin tensor([])
image/encoded tensor([ -1, -40, -1, ..., -30, -1, -39], dtype=torch.int8)
image/object/bbox/ymax tensor([])
image/object/bbox/xmin tensor([])
image/filename n01796340_812.JPEG
image/object/bbox/xmax tensor([])
image/colorspace RGB
def decode(ex):
w = ex['image/width'].item()
h = ex['image/height'].item()
image = Image.frombytes(ex['image/colorspace'], (w, h),
ex['image/format'].lower(), 'RGB', None)
npa = np.asarray(image)
return torch.from_numpy(npa)
def readem(path):
transforms = {
'image/filename': 'STR',
'image/class/synset': 'STR',
'image/format': 'STR',
'image/class/text': 'STR',
'image/colorspace': 'STR',
r = tfrr.TfRecordReader(path, compression='', transforms=transforms)
count = 0
while True:
ex = r.read_example()
if not ex:
for lbl, data in ex.items():
print('{}\t{}'.format(lbl, data))
count += 1
print('\n\nDecoded {} samples'.format(count))
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Great! Thanks for putting it up!

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AdityaSoni19031997 commented Feb 12, 2020

It Works like a charm! I missed the tobytes() things and whole day went just like that! :( Thanks a lot :))

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