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All of the configurable OVF Properties extracted from the OVF of VMware vCenter Server Appliance build 4944578

All of the configurable OVF Properties extracted from the OVF of:

VMware vCenter Server Appliance build 4944578

Property Type Label Default Value Description string Host Network IP Address Family Network IP address family (i.e., 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'). string Host Network Mode Network mode (i.e., 'static', 'dhcp', or 'autoconf' (IPv6 only). string Host Network IP Address Network IP address. Only provide this when mode is 'static'. Can be IPv4 or IPv6 based on specified address family. string Host Network Prefix Network prefix length. Only provide this when mode is 'static'. 0-32 for IPv4. 0-128 for IPv6. string Host Network Default Gateway IP address of default gateway. Can be 'default' when using IPv6. string Host Network DNS Servers Comma separated list of IP addresses of DNS servers. string Host Network Identity Network identity (IP address or fully-qualified domain name) services should use when advertising themselves. string Custom Network Ports {} A string encoding a JSON object mapping port names to port numbers.
guestinfo.cis.vmdir.username string Directory Username administrator@vsphere.local For the first instance of the identity domain, this is the username with Administrator privileges. Otherwise, this is the username of the replication partner.
guestinfo.cis.vmdir.password string Directory Password For the first instance of the identity domain, this is the password given to the Administrator account. Otherwise, this is the password of the Administrator account of the replication partner.
guestinfo.cis.vmdir.domain-name string Directory Domain Name vsphere.local For the first instance of the identity domain, this is the name of the newly created domain. string Site Name Default-First-Site Name of site. Use 'Default-First-Site' to define a new site.
guestinfo.cis.vmdir.first-instance boolean New Identity Domain True If this parameter is set to True, the VMware directory instance is setup as the first instance of a new identity domain. Otherwise, the instance is setup as a replication partner.
guestinfo.cis.vmdir.replication-partner-hostname string Directory Replication Partner The hostname of the VMware directory replication partner. This value is ignored for the first instance of the identity domain.
guestinfo.cis.db.type string Database Type embedded String indicating whether the database is 'embedded' or 'external'.
guestinfo.cis.db.user string Database User String naming the account to use when connecting to external database (ignored when db.type is 'embedded').
guestinfo.cis.db.password string Database Password String providing the password to use when connecting to external database (ignored when db.type is 'embedded').
guestinfo.cis.db.servername string Database Server String naming the the hostname of the server on which the external database is running (ignored when db.type is 'embedded').
guestinfo.cis.db.serverport string Database Port String describing the port on the host on which the external database is running (ignored when db.type is 'embedded').
guestinfo.cis.db.provider string Database Provider String describing the external database provider. The only supported value is 'oracle' (ignored when the db.type is 'embedded').
guestinfo.cis.db.instance string Database Instance String describing the external database instance. Values could be anything depending on what the database instance name the DBA creates in the external db. (ignored when the db.type is 'embedded').
guestinfo.cis.appliance.root.passwd string Root Password Password to assign to root account. If blank, password can be set on the console. string Root Shell This property is not changeable.
guestinfo.cis.appliance.ssh.enabled boolean SSH Enabled False Set whether SSH-based remote login is enabled. This configuration can be changed after deployment. boolean Tools-based Time Synchronization Enabled False Set whether VMware tools based time synchronization should be used. This parameter is ignored if appliance.ntp.servers is not empty.
guestinfo.cis.appliance.ntp.servers string NTP Servers A comma-seperated list of hostnames or IP addresses of NTP Servers
guestinfo.cis.deployment.node.type string Deployment Type embedded Type of appliance to deploy (i.e. 'embedded', 'infrastructure' or 'management').
guestinfo.cis.system.vm0.hostname string Platform Services Controller When deploying a vCenter Server Node, please provide the FQDN or IP address of a Platform Services Controller (leave blank otherwise). The choice of FQDN versus IP address is decided based on the Platform Services Controller's own notion of its network identity.
guestinfo.cis.system.vm0.port string HTTPS Port on Platform Services Controller 443 When deploying a vCenter Server pointing to an external platform services controller, please provide the HTTPS port of the external platform services controller if a custom port number is being used. The default HTTPS port number is 443.
guestinfo.cis.upgrade.source.vpxd.ip string Upgrade Source Hostname IP/hostname of the appliance to upgrade. Set only for upgrade. string Migration Assistant Port 9123 Port used by Migration Assistant on source vCenter Server.
guestinfo.cis.upgrade.source.vpxd.user string Upgrade Source vCenter Username vCenter username for the appliance to upgrade. Set only for upgrade.
guestinfo.cis.upgrade.source.vpxd.password string Upgrade Source vCenter Password vCenter password for the appliance to upgrade. Set only for upgrade.
guestinfo.cis.upgrade.source.guest.user string Upgrade Source OS Username Username for the appliance operating system to upgrade. Usually root. Set only for upgrade.
guestinfo.cis.upgrade.source.guest.password string Upgrade Source OS Password Password for the appliance operating system to upgrade. Set only for upgrade. string Upgrade Management Host Hostname IP/hostname of the host that manages appliance to upgrade. Can be either vCenter or ESX host. Set only for upgrade. string Upgrade Management Host Username Username for the host that manages appliance to upgrade. Can be either vCenter or ESX host. Set only for upgrade. string Upgrade Management Host Password Password for the host that manages appliance to upgrade. Can be either vCenter or ESX host. Set only for upgrade.
guestinfo.cis.upgrade.source.ssl.thumbprint string Upgrade Management Host Thumbprint Thumbprint for the SSL certificate of the host that manages the appliance to upgrade. Set only for upgrade.
guestinfo.cis.upgrade.source.platform string Upgrade Source Platform linux Source host platform. Optional. Set only for upgrade string Upgrade Source Export Folder /var/tmp Folder on the source appliance, where to store migrate data. Optional. Set only for upgrade string Upgrade Destination Export Folder /storage/seat/cis-export-folder Folder where exported source data will be stored in the appliance. Optional. Set only for upgrade
guestinfo.cis.upgrade.silent boolean Suppress questions False Suppress questions and use default answers
guestinfo.cis.upgrade.user.options string Upgrade Advanced Options Advanced upgrade settings specified in json format. Optional. Set only for upgrade string Active Directory domain name Active Directory domain to join. string Active Directory domain admin user Active Directory domain admin user. This username will be used to join the machine to the domain. string Active Directory domain admin user password Active Directory domain admin user password. This password will be used to join the machine to the domain.
guestinfo.cis.netdump.enabled boolean ESXi Dump Collector Enabled True Set whether ESXi Dump Collector service is enabled. This configuration can be changed after deployment.
guestinfo.cis.lookup.hidessltrust boolean Make lookup service hide endpoints SSL trusts False If this parameter is set to True, then all lookup service will return endpoints without SSL trust. Can be used for testing VECS integration.
guestinfo.cis.silentinstall boolean Do Silent Install False If this parameter is set to True, no questions will be posted during install or upgrade. Otherwise, the install process will wait for a reply if there is a pending question.
guestinfo.cis.clientlocale string The Client Locale en This parameter specifies the client locale. Supported locales are en, fr, ja, ko, zh_CN and zh_TW. English is assumed if locale is unknown.
guestinfo.cis.feature.states string Feature switch states Specify feature switch states which need to be added or modified in feature switch state config file. Format: key1=value1, key2=value2
guestinfo.cis.ceip_enabled boolean CEIP enabled False VMwares Customer Experience Improvement Program ("CEIP") provides VMware with information that enables VMware to improve its products and services, to fix problems, and to advise you on how best to deploy and use our products. As part of the CEIP, VMware collects technical information about your organizations use of VMware products and services on a regular basis in association with your organizations VMware license key(s). This information does not personally identify any individual. For more details about the Program and how VMware uses the information it collects through CEIP, please see the product documentation at If you want to participate in VMwares CEIP for this product, set this property to True. You may join or leave VMwares CEIP for this product at any time.
guestinfo.cis.deployment.autoconfig boolean Auto Start Services False If this parameter is set to True, the appliance will be configured after deployment using the specified OVF configuration parameters. If set to False, the appliance should be configured post-deployment using the VMware Appliance Management Interface.
guestinfo.cis.vpxd.mac-allocation-scheme.prefix string MAC address allocation scheme prefix If a valid MAC address prefix is provided, then all MAC addresses assigned by vCenter Server will begin with this prefix instead of the VMware OUI. This property cannot co-exist with mac-allocation-scheme.ranges
guestinfo.cis.vpxd.mac-allocation-scheme.prefix-length uint8 MAC address allocation scheme prefix length 0 This property is mandatory whenever a custom MAC prefix is provided.
guestinfo.cis.vpxd.mac-allocation-scheme.ranges string MAC address allocation scheme ranges If valid MAC address range is provided, then vCenter Server will assign MAC addresses from this range instead of allocating VMware OUI based MAC address. The address range must be provided in the format "BeginAddress1-EndAddress1,...,BeginAddressN-EndAddressN". This property cannot co-exist with mac-allocation-scheme.prefix.
domain string Domain Name The domain name of this VM. Leave blank if DHCP is desired.
searchpath string Domain Search Path The domain search path (comma or space separated domain names) for this VM. Leave blank if DHCP is desired.
vmname string VMware_vCenter_Server_Appliance
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