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Created February 14, 2024 00:54
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regex text/JSX highlighters
// quick and dirty
highlightJSX(stringToEvaluate, searchTerm) {
const regex = new RegExp(searchTerm, 'gi');
const resultText = stringToEvaluate.replace(regex, `<mark class="highlight">$&</mark>`);
return <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: resultText }} />;
// highlightJSX('this is a string to search and to evaluate', 'to')
// expected output
// <>this is a string <mark class="highlight">to</mark> search and <mark class="highlight">to</mark> evaluate<>
// safer, but slightly more complex
import reactStringReplace from 'react-string-replace'
const stringToEvaluate = 'this is a string to search and to evaluate'
const searchTerm = 'to'
const highlightedMatch = reactStringReplace(stringToEvaluate, new RegExp(`(${searchTerm})`, "gi"), (match, i) => (
<span key={i} className='text-boldest' style={{ color: '#F1C40F' }}>{match}</span>
// expected output
// <>this is a string <span key={0} className='text-boldest' style={{ color: '#F1C40F' }}>to</span> search and <span key={1} className='text-boldest' style={{ color: '#F1C40F' }}>to</span> evaluate<>
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