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Created September 21, 2012 14:56
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set ai " auto indenting
set history=100 " keep 100 lines of history
set ruler " show the cursor position
set et
set shiftwidth=4
set tabstop=4
set modeline
set spell
highlight constant ctermfg=lightblue
set background=dark
syntax on " syntax highlighting
set hlsearch " highlight the last searched term
filetype plugin on " use the file type plugins
function! <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()
" Preparation: save last search, and cursor position.
let _s=@/
let l = line('.')
let c = col('.')
" Do the business:
" Clean up: restore previous search history, and cursor position
let @/=_s
call cursor(l, c)
if has("autocmd")
" Enabled file type detection
" Use the default filetype settings. If you also want to load indent files
" to automatically do language-dependent indenting add 'indent' as well.
filetype plugin on
autocmd BufWritePre * call <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()
endif " has ("autocmd")
" When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position
autocmd BufReadPost *
\ if ! exists("g:leave_my_cursor_position_alone") |
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") |
\ exe "normal g'\"" |
\ endif |
\ endif
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