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Created December 31, 2014 19:34
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Save dlwyatt/be5a20ee80880c9f597a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Snake update
#requires -version 2
# Powershell Snake Game
# Author : Kurt Jaegers
function SetEmptySquare($x, $y)
$matrix[$x, $y] = $emptysquare
[console]::SetCursorPosition($x + 1, $y + 1)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline " "
function SetBodySquare($x, $y)
$matrix[$x, $y] = $bodysquare
[console]::SetCursorPosition($x + 1, $y + 1)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor White -NoNewline " "
# Draws the snake to the screen, including cleaning up the last segment of the tail
function DrawTheSnake($x, $y)
$newPoint = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($x, $y)
SetBodySquare -x $x -y $y
if ($tail.Count -gt $script:maxTailLength)
$oldPoint = $tail.Dequeue()
SetEmptySquare -x $oldPoint.X -y $oldPoint.Y
# Generate a random location for the apple, making sure it isnt inside the snake
function MoveTheApple
$x = get-random -min 2 -max ($width - 2)
$y = get-random -min 2 -max ($height - 2)
until ($matrix[$x, $y] -eq $emptysquare )
$matrix[$x, $y] = $applesquare
DrawTheApple -x $x -y $y
# Draw the apple to the screen
function DrawTheApple($x, $y)
[console]::SetCursorPosition($x + 1, $y + 1)
Write-Host -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor black "@"
# Check to see if the snake hits the apple
function CheckAppleHit($x, $y)
if ($matrix[$x, $y] -eq $applesquare)
# relocate the apple
SetEmptySquare -x $x -y $y
$script:score += 500
# Add to the snake's length
# Check to see if the snake's head hits the walls of the screen
function CheckWallHits($x, $y)
if ($matrix[$x, $y] -eq $wallsquare)
write-host -foregroundcolor red "You lost! Score was $script:score"
function SetBorderSquare($x, $y)
[console]::SetCursorPosition($x + 1, $y + 1)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White '#' -NoNewline
$matrix[$x, $y] = $wallsquare
# Draw a fence around the edges of the screen
function DrawScreenBorders
for ($x = 0; $x -lt $width; $x++)
SetBorderSquare -x $x -y 0
SetBorderSquare -x $x -y ($height - 1)
for ($y = 0; $y -lt $height; $y++)
SetBorderSquare -x 0 -y $y
SetBorderSquare -x ($width - 1) -y $y
function CheckSnakeBodyHits($x, $y)
if ($matrix[$x, $y] -eq $bodysquare)
write-host -foregroundcolor red "You lost! Score was $script:score"
function DrawScore($score)
$string = "Score: $score"
$xPos = [int](($script:width - $string.Length) / 2)
[console]::SetCursorPosition($xPos, 0)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black $string
# ---------------------------------
# ---------------------------------
# Main script block starts here
# ---------------------------------
# ---------------------------------
if ($ -ne "ConsoleHost")
write-host "This script should only be run in a ConsoleHost window (outside of the ISE)"
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
# Grab UI objects and set some colors
# write out lines to make sure the buffer is big enough to cover the screen
for ($i=0; $i -lt $rui.screensize.height; $i++)
write-host ""
$cs = $rui.cursorsize
$script:score = 0
$width = $rui.WindowSize.Width - 2
$height = $rui.WindowSize.Height - 2
$emptysquare = 0
$bodysquare = 1
$applesquare = 2
$wallsquare = 3
$currentX = [int]($width / 2)
$currentY = [int]($height / 2)
$matrix = New-Object 'int[,]' -ArgumentList ($width, $height)
$tail = New-Object System.Collections.Queue
$script:maxTailLength = 5
$done = $false
$before = 0
$after = 15
$dir = 0
DrawTheSnake -x $currentX -y $currentY
while (!$done)
if ($rui.KeyAvailable)
$key = $rui.ReadKey()
if ($key.virtualkeycode -eq -27)
if ($key.keydown)
# Left
if ($key.virtualkeycode -eq 37)
# Up
if ($key.virtualkeycode -eq 38)
# Right
if ($key.virtualkeycode -eq 39)
# Down
if ($key.virtualkeycode -eq 40)
if ($dir -eq 0)
if ($dir -eq 1)
if ($dir -eq 2)
if ($dir -eq 3)
CheckWallHits -x $currentX -y $currentY
CheckSnakeBodyHits -x $currentX -y $currentY
CheckAppleHit -x $currentX -y $currentY
DrawTheSnake -x $currentX -y $currentY
$script:score += $script:maxTailLength
DrawScore -score $script:score
start-sleep -mil 100
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