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Created March 10, 2017 00:28
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Test IPSec between two containers
#!/bin/bash -ex
# Test IPSec with a tunnel between two containers.
# Provide /proc/net/pfkey since af_key.ko apparently isn't autoloaded.
sudo modprobe af_key
# Start and prepare the containers.
for host in left right
docker run \
--detach \
--env=container=docker \
--{host,}name=$host \
--privileged \
--rm \
--volume=/lib/modules \
--volume=/dev/null:/dev/tty{1..6}:ro \
fedora /usr/lib/systemd/systemd 3
# Install everything useful
docker exec $host dnf -y install \
iptables iputils libreswan procps-ng tcpdump which
docker exec $host dnf clean all
# Create keys
docker exec $host ipsec initnss --nssdir /etc/ipsec.d
docker exec $host ipsec newhostkey --output /etc/ipsec.d/$host.secrets
# Write the shared configuration to both containers.
left_ckaid=$(docker exec left ipsec showhostkey --list | sed -n '1s/.* //p')
left_ip=$(docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' left)
right_ckaid=$(docker exec right ipsec showhostkey --list | sed -n '1s/.* //p')
right_ip=$(docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' right)
cat << EOF |
conn containertunnel
$(docker exec left ipsec showhostkey --left --ckaid $left_ckaid)
$(docker exec right ipsec showhostkey --right --ckaid $right_ckaid)
tee >/dev/null \
>(docker exec -i left tee /etc/ipsec.d/left.conf >/dev/null) \
>(docker exec -i right tee /etc/ipsec.d/right.conf >/dev/null)
# Start the daemon in both containers.
for host in left right ; do docker exec $host systemctl restart ipsec ; done
# Bring up the tunnel on one of them.
docker exec left ipsec auto --add containertunnel || :
sleep 5 # Avoid: 024 need --listen before --initiate
docker exec left ipsec auto --up containertunnel
# Spawn pings on one and watch ESP traffic on the other.
docker exec --detach right ping -c 100 $left_ip
docker exec left tcpdump -ni any esp or udp port 500 or udp port 4500
# Check for errors.
grep -F XfrmInTmplMismatch /proc/net/xfrm_stat
# Clean up.
docker stop left right
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Andrii-hotfix commented Dec 18, 2018

Thanks man. This script is awesome! Nice work! You saved me!

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