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Created April 8, 2018 09:07
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VB.Net code for reading clientraw.txt file and displaying to RichTextBox
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports CrReader.Forms
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO
Namespace Modules.RichTextBoxes
Public Module Rtb1
Friend Sub PopulateRtb1(fn As String)
''178 records
''used following page to verify field values
If File.Exists(fn) Then
FrmMain.RtbLog.AppendText($"Loading Rtb1: {fn}{vbCrLf}")
FrmMain.RtbLog.AppendText($"File does not exist: {fn}{vbCrLf}")
FrmMain.rtb1.AppendText($"{fn}{vbCrLf}File does not exist.")
Exit Sub
End If
FrmMain.txtRaw.BackColor = Color.NavajoWhite
FrmMain.txtRaw.Text = File.ReadAllText(fn)
Catch ex As Exception
FrmMain.RtbLog.AppendText(String.Format(My.Resources.ERR_Error_String, ex.Message, vbCrLf, ex.TargetSite.ToString, ex.StackTrace.ToString))
End Try
Dim aa As Object = FrmMain.rtb1
Using csvreader As New TextFieldParser(fn)
csvreader.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited
csvreader.Delimiters = New String() {" ", " "}
Dim curRow() As String
Dim bb As String
While Not csvreader.EndOfData
curRow = csvreader.ReadFields().ToArray
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Red
aa.AppendText($"[000] Header: {curRow(0)} [ClientRaw] Records: {curRow.Length - 1}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Blue
aa.AppendText($"[001] Avg Wind Speed: Kts: {curRow(1)} (Mph: {ConvertK2Mph(curRow(1))}) (Kmh: {ConvertK2Kmh(curRow(1))}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Blue
aa.AppendText($"[002] Current Wind Spd: Kts: {curRow(2)} (Mph: {ConvertK2Mph(curRow(2))}) (Kmh: {ConvertK2Kmh(curRow(2))}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Green
aa.AppendText($"[003] Current Wind Direction: {curRow(3)}° ({GetWindDirection(curRow(3))}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[004] Current Temp: {curRow(4)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(4))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Chocolate
aa.AppendText($"[005] Current Relative Humidity (Outside): {curRow(5)}%{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.DarkRed
aa.AppendText($"[006] Current Baro Pressure: {curRow(6)} hPa ({ConvertHpa2Inhg(curRow(6))} inHg){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Teal
aa.AppendText($"[007] Rain Today: {curRow(7)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(7))}{Chr(34)}){vbCrLf}")
FrmRecords.tDailyRain.Text = $"{curRow(7)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(7))}{Chr(34)})"
FrmRecords.tTotalRain.Text = $"{curRow(7)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(7))}{Chr(34)})"
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Teal
aa.AppendText($"[008] Monthly Rain: {curRow(8)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(8))}{Chr(34)}){vbCrLf}")
FrmRecords.moTotalRain.Text = $"{curRow(8)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(8))}{Chr(34)})"
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Teal
aa.AppendText($"[009] Yearly Rain: {curRow(9)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(9))}{Chr(34)}){vbCrLf}")
FrmRecords.yrTotalRain.Text = $"{curRow(9)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(9))}{Chr(34)})"
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Teal
aa.AppendText($"[010] Rain Rate/Hour: {curRow(10)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(10))}{Chr(34)}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Teal
aa.AppendText($"[011] Rain Rate/Hour (Maximum): {curRow(11)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(11))}{Chr(34)}){vbCrLf}")
FrmRecords.tHourlyRain.Text = $"{curRow(11)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(11))}{Chr(34)})"
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[012] Temp (Indoor): {curRow(12)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(12))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Chocolate
aa.AppendText($"[013] Relative Humidity (Indoor): {curRow(13)}%{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[014] Soil Temp: {curRow(14)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(14))}°F){vbCrLf}")
FrmRecords.tHighSoil.Text = $"{curRow(14)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(14))}°F)"
FrmRecords.rTtip.SetToolTip(FrmRecords.tHighSoil, "Current")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
Dim ii As Object
Select Case Iconz
Case 1
ii = GetForecastIcon_1(curRow(15))
Case 2
ii = GetForecastIcon_2(curRow(15))
Case Else
ii = GetForecastIcon_3(curRow(15))
End Select
aa.AppendText($"[015] Forecast Icon: {curRow(15)} ({ii}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[016] WMR968 Extra Temp: {curRow(16)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(16))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Chocolate
aa.AppendText($"[017] WMR968 Extra Humidity: {curRow(17)}%{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Navy
aa.AppendText($"[018] WMR968 Extra Sensor: {curRow(18)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Teal
aa.AppendText($"[019] Rain Yesterday: {curRow(19)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(19))}{Chr(34)}){vbCrLf}")
FrmRecords.yDailyRain.Text = $"{curRow(19)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(19))}{Chr(34)})"
FrmRecords.yTotalRain.Text = $"{curRow(19)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(19))}{Chr(34)})"
''extra Temp sensors
For j = 20 To 25
bb = If((curRow(j) = "-100.0") Or (curRow(j) = "255.0"), "- Unused -", $"{curRow(j)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(20))}°F)")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[{j.ToString("00#")}] Extra Temp Sensor {j - 19}: {bb}{vbCrLf}")
''Extra humidity sensors
For j = 26 To 28
bb = If((curRow(j) = "-100"), "- Unused -", $"{curRow(j)}%")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Chocolate
aa.AppendText($"[{j.ToString("00#")}] Extra Humidity Sensor {j - 25}: {bb} {vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.appendtext($"[029] Hour: {curRow(29)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.appendtext($"[030] Minutes: {curRow(30)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.appendtext($"[031] Seconds: {curRow(31)}{vbCrLf}")
''set station name - Row 32 Ex: CarolinaWx-2:51:55_PM
Dim ct As Integer = InStr(curRow(32), "-")
Dim cl As Integer = curRow(32).Length
Dim station As String = Left(curRow(32), ct - 1)
station = station.Replace("_", " ")
If station.Trim = String.Empty Or station.Trim.ToLower = "last.updated" Then
station = My.Resources.unknown_station
End If
'If station.Trim.ToLower = "last.updated" Then
' station = My.Resources.unknown_station
'End If
FrmMain.lblStation.Text = CompactString(station, FrmMain.lblStation.Width, FrmMain.lblStation.Font, TextFormatFlags.WordEllipsis)
Dim ftime As String = Right(curRow(32), cl - ct)
FrmMain.lblFileTime.Text = ftime.Replace("_", " ")
''handle non US date formats. If it throws an error, just print the string
Dim fDate As Date = curRow(74).ToString
FrmMain.lblFileDate.Text = fDate.ToString("D")
Catch ex As InvalidCastException
FrmMain.lblFileDate.Text = curRow(74).ToString
Catch ex As Exception
FrmMain.lblFileDate.Text = curRow(74).ToString
End Try
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
bb = curRow(32).Replace("_", " ").Replace("-", " @ ")
aa.AppendText($"[032] Station: {bb}{vbCrLf}")
''end station name
aa.appendtext($"[033] Dallas Lightning Count: {curRow(33)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.appendtext($"[034] Solar Reading: {curRow(34)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.appendtext($"[035] Day: {curRow(35)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.appendtext($"[036] Month: {curRow(36)}{vbCrLf}")
For j = 37 To 43
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Chocolate
aa.appendtext($"[{j.ToString("00#")}] WMR968 Battery {j - 36}: {curRow(j)}%{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[044] Windchill: {curRow(44)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(44))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[045] Humidex: {curRow(45)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(45))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[046] Maximum Day Temp: {curRow(46)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(46))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[047] Minimum Day Temp: {curRow(47)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(47))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
Dim ik As Object
Select Case Iconz
Case 1
ik = GetForecastIcon_1(curRow(48))
Case 2
ik = GetForecastIcon_2(curRow(48))
Case Else
ik = GetForecastIcon_3(curRow(48))
End Select
aa.AppendText($"[048] Icon Type: {curRow(48)} ({ik}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[049] Wx Description: {curRow(49).Replace("_", " ").Replace("/", ", ")}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.DarkRed
aa.AppendText($"[050] BaroBarometer Trend: {curRow(50)} hPa ({ConvertHpa2Inhg(curRow(50))} inHg){vbCrLf}")
For j = 51 To 70
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Blue
aa.AppendText($"[{j.ToString("00#")}] Windspd (Hr: {(j - 50).ToString("0#")}): Kts: {curRow(j)} (Mph: {ConvertK2Mph(curRow(j))}) (Kmh: { _
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Blue
aa.AppendText($"[071] Max gust today: Kts: {curRow(71)} (Mph: {ConvertK2Mph(curRow(71))}) (Kmh: {ConvertK2Kmh(curRow(71))}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Green
aa.AppendText($"[072] Current DewPoint: {curRow(72)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(72))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Orange
aa.AppendText($"[073] Cloud Base: {curRow(73)} Meters ({ConvertM2F(curRow(73))} Feet){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[074] Date: {curRow(74)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[075] Max Humidex: {curRow(75)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(75))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[076] Min Humidex: {curRow(76)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(76))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[077] Max Windchill: {curRow(77)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(77))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[078] Min Windchill: {curRow(78)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(78))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Navy
aa.AppendText($"[079] Davis VP UV: {CDbl(curRow(79)).ToString("0.0")}{vbCrLf}")
FrmRecords.tUV.Text = $"{CDbl(curRow(79)).ToString("0.0")}"
FrmRecords.rTtip.SetToolTip(FrmRecords.tUV, "Current")
Dim es As String
For j = 80 To 89
Select Case j
Case 89
es = "6 min ago"
Case 88
es = "12 min ago"
Case 87
es = "18 min ago"
Case 86
es = "24 min ago"
Case 85
es = "30 min ago"
Case 84
es = "36 min ago"
Case 83
es = "42 min ago"
Case 82
es = "48 min ago"
Case 81
es = "54 min ago"
Case Else
es = "60 min ago"
End Select
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Blue
aa.AppendText($"[{j.ToString("00#")}] Windspd ({es}): {curRow(j)} (Mph: {ConvertK2Mph(curRow(j))}) (Kmh: {ConvertK2Kmh(curRow(j))}){vbCrLf}")
For j = 90 To 99
Select Case j - 10
Case 89
es = "6 min ago"
Case 88
es = "12 min ago"
Case 87
es = "18 min ago"
Case 86
es = "24 min ago"
Case 85
es = "30 min ago"
Case 84
es = "36 min ago"
Case 83
es = "42 min ago"
Case 82
es = "48 min ago"
Case 81
es = "54 min ago"
Case Else
es = "60 min ago"
End Select
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[{j.ToString("00#")}] Temp ({es}): {curRow(j)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(j))}°F){vbCrLf}")
For j = 100 To 109
Select Case j - 20
Case 89
es = "6 min ago"
Case 88
es = "12 min ago"
Case 87
es = "18 min ago"
Case 86
es = "24 min ago"
Case 85
es = "30 min ago"
Case 84
es = "36 min ago"
Case 83
es = "42 min ago"
Case 82
es = "48 min ago"
Case 81
es = "54 min ago"
Case Else
es = "60 min ago"
End Select
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Teal
aa.AppendText($"[{j.ToString("00#")}] Rain ({es}): {curRow(j)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(j))}{Chr(34)}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[110] Max Heat Index: {curRow(110)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(110))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.MediumPurple
aa.AppendText($"[111] Min Heat Index: {curRow(111)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(111))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[112] Heat Index: {curRow(112)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(112))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Blue
aa.AppendText($"[113] Max Avg Spd: Kts: {curRow(113)} (Mph: {ConvertK2Mph(curRow(113))}) (Kmh: {ConvertK2Kmh(curRow(113))}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Navy
aa.AppendText($"[114] # Lightning Strikes Last Minute: {curRow(114)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[115] Last Lightning Strike (Time): {curRow(115)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[116] Last Lightning Strike (Date): {curRow(116)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Green
aa.AppendText($"[117] Average Wind Direction: {curRow(117)}° ({GetWindDirection(curRow(117))}){vbCrLf}")
FrmRecords.tWindDir.Text = $"{curRow(117)}° ({GetWindDirection(curRow(117))})"
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[118] Nexstorm Distance: {curRow(118)} Km ({ConvertKm2Mph(curRow(118))} Mi){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Green
aa.AppendText($"[119] Nexstorm Direction: {curRow(119)}° ({GetWindDirection(curRow(119))}){vbCrLf}")
For j = 120 To 121
Select Case curRow(j)
Case "-100.0"
bb = "- Unused -"
Case Else
bb = $"{curRow(j)}%"
End Select
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[{j.ToString("00#")}] Extra Temp Sensor {(j - 113).ToString("#")}: {bb}{vbCrLf}")
For j = 122 To 126
bb = If((curRow(j) = "-100") Or (curRow(j) = "0"), "- Unused -", $"{curRow(j)}%")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Chocolate
aa.AppendText($"[{j.ToString("00#")}] Extra Humidity Sensor {j - 118}: {bb}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Navy
aa.AppendText($"[127] VP Solar Radiation: {curRow(127)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[128] Max Indoor Temp: {curRow(128)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(128))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[129] Min Indoor Temp: {curRow(129)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(129))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[130] Apparent Temp: {curRow(130)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(130))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.DarkRed
aa.AppendText($"[131] Maximum Barometer: {curRow(131)} hPa ({ConvertHpa2Inhg(curRow(131))} inHg){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.DarkRed
aa.AppendText($"[132] Minimum Barometer: {curRow(132)} hPa ({ConvertHpa2Inhg(curRow(132))} inHg){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Blue
aa.AppendText($"[133] Max Gust Last Hr: {curRow(133)} (Mph: {ConvertK2Mph(curRow(133))}) (Kmh: {ConvertK2Kmh(curRow(133))}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[134] Max Gust Last Hr Time: {curRow(134).Replace("A", " A").Replace("P", " P")}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[135] Max Gust Today Time: {curRow(135).Replace("_", " ")}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[136] Max Apparent Temp: {curRow(136)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(136))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[137] Min Apparent Temp: {curRow(137)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(137))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[138] Max Dewpoint: {curRow(138)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(138))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[139] Min Dewpoint: {curRow(139)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(139))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Blue
aa.AppendText($"[140] Max Gust in Last Minute: {curRow(140)} (Mph: {ConvertK2Mph(curRow(140))}) (Kmh: {ConvertK2Kmh(curRow(140))}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[141] Current Year: {curRow(141)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[142] THSWS: {curRow(142)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[143] Temp Trend: {GetTrend(curRow(143))}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[144] Humidity Trend: {GetTrend(curRow(144))}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[145] Humidex Trend: {GetTrend(curRow(145))}{vbCrLf}")
For j = 146 To 155
Select Case j - 66
Case 89
es = "6 min ago"
Case 88
es = "12 min ago"
Case 87
es = "18 min ago"
Case 86
es = "24 min ago"
Case 85
es = "30 min ago"
Case 84
es = "36 min ago"
Case 83
es = "42 min ago"
Case 82
es = "48 min ago"
Case 81
es = "54 min ago"
Case Else
es = "60 min ago"
End Select
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Green
aa.AppendText($"[{j.ToString("00#")}] Wind Dir {es}: {curRow(j)}° ({GetWindDirection(curRow(j))}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[156] Leaf Wetness: {curRow(156)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(156))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[157] Soil Moisture: {curRow(157)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(157))}°F){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Blue
aa.AppendText($"[158] 10 Min Avg Wind Spd: {curRow(158)} (Mph: {ConvertK2Mph(curRow(158))}) (Kmh: {ConvertK2Kmh(curRow(158))}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Purple
aa.AppendText($"[159] Wet Bulb Temp: {curRow(159)}°C ({ConvertC2F(curRow(159))}°F){vbCrLf}")
Latitude = curRow(160)
Longitude = curRow(161)
''get hyphen variables from registry
Latitude = If(Kss.GetValue("Latitude Hyphen", 0) = 1, $"-{Latitude}", Latitude.Replace("-", String.Empty))
Longitude = If(Kss.GetValue("Longitude Hyphen", 0) = 1, $"-{Longitude}", Longitude.Replace("-", String.Empty))
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[160] Station Latitude: {Latitude}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[161] Station Longitude: {Longitude}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Teal
aa.AppendText($"[162] 9am Rain Reset total: {curRow(162)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(162))}{Chr(34)}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Chocolate
aa.AppendText($"[163] Daily High Humidity: {curRow(163)}%{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Chocolate
aa.AppendText($"[164] Daily Low Humidity: {curRow(164)}%{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Teal
aa.AppendText($"[165] Midnight Rain Reset total: {curRow(165)} mm ({Convertmm2In(curRow(165))}{Chr(34)}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[166] Low Windchill Time: {curRow(166).Replace("_", " ")}{vbCrLf}")
For j = 167 To 172
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[{j.ToString("00#")}] Current Cost Watts Channel {(j - 166).ToString("0#")}: {curRow(j)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Blue
aa.appendtext($"[173] Daily Wind Run: {curRow(173)} Kilometers (Miles: {ConvertKm2Mph(curRow(173))}){vbCrLf}")
If InStr(curRow(174), "!") Then
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.appendtext($"[174] WD Ver: {Mid(curRow(174), 4, 6)} rev: {Mid(curRow(174), 10, 3).Replace("!", String.Empty)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[174] Temp Max Day Time: {curRow(174).Replace("_", " ")}{vbCrLf}")
End If
Catch ex As FormatException
If InStr(curRow(174), "!") Then
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.appendtext($"[174] WD Ver: {Mid(curRow(174), 4, 6)} rev: {Mid(curRow(174), 10, 3).Replace("!", String.Empty)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[174] Miscellaneous: {curRow(174).Replace("_", " ")}{vbCrLf}")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
If InStr(curRow(174), "!") Then
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.appendtext($"[174] WD Ver: {Mid(curRow(174), 4, 6)} rev: {Mid(curRow(174), 10, 3).Replace("!", String.Empty)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[174] Extra: {curRow(174)}{vbCrLf}")
End If
End Try
If curRow(175).Trim = String.Empty Then
Exit Sub
End If
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[175] Temp Min Day Time: {curRow(175).Replace("_", " ")}{vbCrLf}")
Catch ex As FormatException
If InStr(curRow(175), "!") Then
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.appendtext($"[175] WD Ver: {Mid(curRow(175), 4, 6)} rev: {Mid(curRow(175), 10, 3).Replace("!", String.Empty)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[175] Miscellaneous: {curRow(175).Replace("_", " ")}{vbCrLf}")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
If InStr(curRow(175), "!") Then
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.appendtext($"[175] WD Ver: {Mid(curRow(175), 4, 6)} rev: {Mid(curRow(175), 10, 3).Replace("!", String.Empty)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.AppendText($"[175] Extra: {curRow(175)}{vbCrLf}")
End If
End Try
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.appendtext($"[176] Avg Wind Dir (10 Min): {curRow(176)}° ({GetWindDirection(curRow(176))}){vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.appendtext($"[177] File Type: {Mid(curRow(177), 3, 1)}{vbCrLf}")
aa.SelectionColor = Color.Black
aa.appendtext($"[177] WD Ver: {Mid(curRow(177), 4, 6)} rev: {Mid(curRow(177), 10, 3).Replace("!", String.Empty)}")
FrmMain.TsslVersion.Text = $"WD Ver: {Mid(curRow(177), 4, 6)} rev: {Mid(curRow(177), 10, 3).Replace("!", String.Empty)}{Space(5)}"
''set current conditions
Dim sb = New StringBuilder
sb.Append($"Current conditions for {station}{vbCrLf}")
sb.Append($"{ii} and {ConvertC2F(curRow(4))}°F, Winds {GetWindDirection(curRow(3))} at {ConvertK2Mph(curRow(1))} Mph.")
FrmMain.ttip.SetToolTip(FrmMain.pbIcon, sb.ToString)
Catch ex As MalformedLineException
FrmMain.RtbLog.AppendText(String.Format(My.Resources.ERR_Error_String, ex.Message, vbCrLf, ex.TargetSite.ToString, ex.StackTrace.ToString))
FrmMain.RtbLog.AppendText(String.Format(My.Resources.ERR_Error_String, ex.Message, vbCrLf, ex.TargetSite.ToString, ex.StackTrace.ToString))
Catch ex As Exception
FrmMain.RtbLog.AppendText(String.Format(My.Resources.ERR_Error_String, ex.Message, vbCrLf, ex.TargetSite.ToString, ex.StackTrace.ToString))
End Try
End While
End Using
Catch ex As IndexOutOfRangeException
FrmMain.RtbLog.AppendText(String.Format(My.Resources.ERR_Error_String, ex.Message, vbCrLf, ex.TargetSite.ToString, ex.StackTrace.ToString))
Catch ex As Exception
FrmMain.RtbLog.AppendText(String.Format(My.Resources.ERR_Error_String, ex.Message, vbCrLf, ex.TargetSite.ToString, ex.StackTrace.ToString))
End Try
FrmMain.RtbLog.AppendText($"Loaded Rtb1: {fn}{vbCrLf}")
End Sub
End Module
End Namespace
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