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Last active July 10, 2016 18:59
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Given an array of integers, every element appears three times except for one. Find that single one.
Your algorithm should have a linear runtime complexity. Could you implement it without using extra memory?
* @param {number[]} nums
* @return {number}
var singleNumber = function(nums) {
Since all numbers in nums appears three times except for one,
we need to track numbers which have appeared only once or twice.
One way to do this is to count this number of times a particular
bit has appeared so far. For example, if we have a nums array
with values:
We can say that the bit counts are {1, 2, 2} corresponding with the
first, second, and third digits respectively.
If a bit appears 3 times, we need to reset it's bit count back
to zero, because we only care about tracking bits that have appeared
in a number not divisible by 3. Since the question states that the
number that does not occur three times only occurs once, we're really
only looking for bits whose:
number of occurrences % 3 == 1
The bits of the "ones" variable represents digits whose occurrences % 3 == 1
The bits of the "twos" variable represents digits whose occurrences % 3 == 2
The bits of the "threes" variable represents digits whose occurrences % 3 == 0
var ones = 0
var twos = 0
var threes = 0
var twosAndThrees, onesAndThrees, newTwos
for (var i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
newTwos represents bits that were not previously 1 in "twos"
but now need to be 1 in "twos" after considering the current number
in the array.
If a bit appears in "ones" as well as the current number, then it
needs to be bumped up from ones to twos.
Therefore "ones & current number" represents bits that have occurred
newTwos = ones & nums[i]
"twosAndThrees" represents the previous "twos" merged with "newTwos".
We cannot use this number as the new "twos" just yet, because we have
still not accounted for bits that were previously twos but should now
be in "threes". This number therefore contains bits that should be in
"twos" as well as "threes". Hence the name "twosAndThrees"
twosAndThrees = twos | newTwos
Like "twosAndThrees", "onesAndThrees" contains bits that should be in
"ones" as well as "threes".
XORing "ones" and "nums[i]" does two things:
1. Changes bits that were previously 1 to 0 if they are in both. If a
bit appears in both "ones" and the new number, then it's occurrences % 3
is now 2 instead of one. Basically, these are numbers that were previously
"ones" but are now "twos".
2. Changes bits that were previously 0 to one if they are in "nums[i]" but not
"ones". This adds to "ones" all bits that were previously not in "ones" but
now should be.
In these two steps, we've accounted for 1) "ones" that should now be "twos" and
2) new "ones". But this number might still have "threes", because the bits added
in step 2 could be new "ones" as well as new "threes".
onesAndThrees = ones ^ nums[i]
Since "twosAndThrees" and "onesAndThrees" both contain "threes" as well as "ones"
and "twos", their intersection should represent "threes" since a bit cannot be in
both in "ones" as well as "twos"
threes = twosAndThrees & onesAndThrees
Removing the "threes" bits in "twosAndThrees" and "onesAndThrees" gives you the new
"ones" and "twos".
twos = twosAndThrees & ~threes
ones = onesAndThrees & ~threes
return ones // "Find that single one" - the outstanding number should appear only once
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