Item | Product | Price | Fraction Req'd | Selected? | Subtotal |
Extrusion | 10pcs 1m amazon | 93.99 | 0.08 | 1 | 7.52 |
Wheels | skate wheels 70mm, Amazon | 21.99 | 0.25 | 1 | 5.50 |
Motor Driver | 4pcs L298N Amazon | 12.99 | 0.2 | 1 | 2.60 |
Encoders | [AS5600 10-bit Encoder, Amazon]( |
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EVO32 | 604 | 604.2 | Pi64bit | Y | DANGER_5G | pi | N |
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- Platform for payload
- Is there a kind of Payload rack design in place?
- YES see Brey's Platform design
- Is there a kind of Payload rack design in place?
- Buying Extra Hardware
/*************************************************** | |
This is a library example for the MLX90614 Temp Sensor | |
Designed specifically to work with the MLX90614 sensors in the | |
adafruit shop | |
----> 3V version | |
----> 5V version | |
These sensors use I2C to communicate, 2 pins are required to | |
interface |
[ | |
{ | |
"id": "3d6bb3f8.1bf26c", | |
"type": "ui_chart", | |
"z": "dadfb2cd.6a075", | |
"name": "", | |
"group": "56fad44.f0fd52c", | |
"order": 1, | |
"width": 8, | |
"height": 6, |
- A CNC machine with open designs. Free if you register on their site.
- An underwater ROV project
- Desktop robotic arm using kickstarter
- Donkeycar DIY autonomous car
- donkeycar homepage
Servo hat from | |
Input voltage at screw terminals to test voltage available at A) servo power rail and B) raspi 5v pins | |
In(v) Out (v) | |
5.90 0.01 | |
6.00 5.2~5.1 fluctuating | |
6.10 5.2v | |
6.50 5.1v | |
11.90 5.1v |
- wheel bracket RH with properly oriented scuttle logo
- wheel brackets M3 holes increased to 3.3mm diameter for improved thread clearance and flush fit
- battery pack - add compliant fitment for Anderson connectors
- encoders - add labels to pins
- encoder bracket - increase clearance so encoder board always fits between datum bumps
- battery bracket thin wall increased (1.1mm to 1.5) for strength
- Change CPU to Raspberry Pi (beaglebone is still compatible)
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