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Created July 24, 2023 02:36
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import {
baseTest as it,
} from '../base-test.mjs';
import { injectOktaToken } from '../utilities.mjs';
import {
} from '../mock-data/patient-id-generator.mjs';
const {
} = it;
describe.only('Patient ID Generator', () => {
describe('When there is no existing generator context', () => {
beforeEach(async({ page })=> {
//await setExistingButNoStartValueMock(page);
//await setExistingGeneratorMock(page);
await setGeneratorContextNotExist(page);
await injectOktaToken(page);
it('it should have a header with client id and name', async ({ page }) => {
const el = page.getByText('Configure patient identifier for FOO, bar', { exact: true });
await expect(el).toBeVisible();
it('should have readonly', async({ page }) => {
const textLookUps = [
'Starting patient ID number',
'Increment by',
'Append to start',
'Append to end',
'Identifier length'
for (const text of textLookUps) {
const el = page.getByText(text, { exact: true });
await expect(el).toBeVisible();
await expect(el).toBeDisabled();
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