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Created August 11, 2020 22:32
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import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException
import cats.{ ApplicativeError, Defer, MonadError }
import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* Configuration for retry logic, could be read from a config file, via
* something like [[ PureConfig]].
final case class RetryConfig(
maxRetries: Int,
initialDelay: FiniteDuration,
maxDelay: FiniteDuration,
backoffFactor: Double,
private val evolvedDelay: Option[FiniteDuration] = None,
) {
def canRetry: Boolean = maxRetries > 0
def delay: FiniteDuration =
def evolve: RetryConfig =
maxRetries = math.max(maxRetries - 1, 0),
evolvedDelay = Some {
val nextDelay = evolvedDelay.getOrElse(initialDelay) * backoffFactor
maxDelay.min(nextDelay) match {
case ref: FiniteDuration => ref
case _: Duration.Infinite => maxDelay
* Signaling desired outcomes via Boolean is very confusing,
* having our own ADT for this is better.
sealed trait RetryOutcome
object RetryOutcome {
case object Next extends RetryOutcome
case object Raise extends RetryOutcome
/** Module grouping our retry helpers. */
object OnErrorRetry {
def loop[F[_], A, S](
fa: F[A],
initial: S
f: (Throwable, S, S => F[A]) => F[A]
)(implicit F: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable], D: Defer[F]): F[A] = {
fa.handleErrorWith { err =>
f(err, initial, state => D.defer(loop(fa, state)(f)))
def withBackoff[F[_], A](fa: F[A], config: RetryConfig)(
p: Throwable => F[RetryOutcome]
F: MonadError[F, Throwable],
D: Defer[F],
timer: Timer[F]
): F[A] = {
OnErrorRetry.loop(fa, config) { (error, state, retry) =>
if (state.canRetry)
p(error).flatMap {
case RetryOutcome.Next =>
timer.sleep(state.delay) *> retry(state.evolve)
case RetryOutcome.Raise =>
// Cannot recover from error
// No retries left
object Playground extends LazyLogging with IOApp {
// Motivating example, not very good, but go with it
def readTextFromFile(file: File, charset: String): IO[String] =
IO {
val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), charset))
val builder = new StringBuilder()
var line: String = null
do {
line = in.readLine()
if (line != null)
} while (line != null)
override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
val config = RetryConfig(
maxRetries = 10,
initialDelay = 10.millis,
maxDelay = 2.seconds,
backoffFactor = 1.5
val task = IO.suspend {
val path = args.headOption.getOrElse(
throw new IllegalArgumentException("File path expected in main's args")
readTextFromFile(new File(path), "UTF-8")
val text = OnErrorRetry.withBackoff(task, config) {
case _: CharacterCodingException | _: IllegalArgumentException =>
case e =>
IO(logger.warn("Unexpected error, retrying", e))
for {
t <- text
_ <- IO(println(t))
} yield ExitCode.Success
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