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Created August 20, 2018 18:31
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//:> # Swift
//: * Modern
//: * Objective-C Interoperability
//: * Open source
//: * Interactive Playgrounds
//:> # Playgrounds
//: * Live rendering of code you type
//: * Test pieces of code
//: * Good for education
//: [Next](@next)
//variables and constants
//explicit types / type inference / Type conversions
//string interpolation
//simple optionals and unwrap them using if let, !, and ?
//mutable and immutable arrays
//if and switch
//loops with the for i in 0...n syntax
//functions that accept and return parameters
//Classes & Structs
//Protocols + Extensions
let name = "Danny"
let age = 30
print("\(name) \(age)")
let numberString = "Hello"
let numberAsInt = Int(numberString)
if let number = numberAsInt {
let addition = number + 30
print("What did you pass in!!!")
let fruits = ["apples", "pear", "pineapple"]
for fruit in fruits {
let uppercase = fruit.uppercased()
print("The fruit is \(uppercase)")
for index in 0..<fruits.count {
let fruit = fruits[index]
let uppercase = fruit.uppercased()
print("The fruit is \(uppercase) at index \(index)")
let airports = [
"YVR" : "Vancouver",
"YYC" : "Calgary"
let airportName = airports["YVR"]
if fruits.count > 3 {
print("inside a big fruits array")
}else if fruits.count < 5 {
let fruit = fruits[0]
let answer = "apples"
switch fruit {
case "apples":
print("inside apples case")
case "apples2":
print("inside apple2 case")
case answer:
print("inside apple2 case")
print("in default case")
func printHello(name:String) -> String {
return "Hello, \(name)"
let helloText = printHello(name: "Danny")
class Shape {
var sides:Int
init(sides:Int) {
self.sides = sides
let shape = Shape(sides: 9)
let shapeCopy = shape
shapeCopy.sides = 10
print("shape's number of sides is \(shape.sides)")
print("shape's number of sides is \(shapeCopy.sides)")
struct ShapeStruct {
let sides:Int
let shapeStruct = ShapeStruct(sides: 9)
let shapeStructCopy = shapeStruct
print("shapeStruct's number of sides is \(shapeStruct.sides)")
print("shapeStructCopy's number of sides is \(shapeStructCopy.sides)")
enum Deck:String {
case spades = "s"
case hearts
case diamonds
func toPrettyString(){
extension String {
func prettyString(){
var hello = "Hello"
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