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Created January 15, 2012 18:20
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Chained hash table implementation
module ChainedHash
, with
, without
, withMany
, withoutMany
, at
) where
import Data.Array(Array(..), array, bounds, elems, (//), (!))
import Data.List(foldl')
type Chain k v = [(k, v)]
chainWith :: (Eq k) => Chain k v -> (k, v) -> Chain k v
chainWith cs p@(k, v) = if (null after) then p:cs else before ++ p:(tail after)
where (before, after) = break ((== k) . fst) cs
chainWithout :: (Eq k) => Chain k v -> k -> Chain k v
chainWithout cs k = filter ((/= k) . fst) cs
data ChainedHash k v = ChainedHash {
hashFunc :: (k -> Integer)
, chainTable :: Array Integer (Chain k v)
instance (Show k, Show v) => Show (ChainedHash k v) where
show = show . concat . elems . chainTable
type HashFuncForSize k = Integer -> k -> Integer
createHash :: HashFuncForSize k -> Integer -> ChainedHash k v
createHash hs sz = ChainedHash (hs sz) (array (1, sz) [(i, []) | i <- []])
withSlot :: ChainedHash k v -> k -> (Chain k v -> Chain k v) -> ChainedHash k v
withSlot h k op
| rows < hashed = h
| otherwise = ChainedHash hf (ht // [(hashed, op (ht!hashed))])
where hf = hashFunc h
ht = chainTable h
rows = snd (bounds ht)
hashed = hf k
with :: (Eq k) => ChainedHash k v -> (k, v) -> ChainedHash k v
with h p@(k, v) = withSlot h k (flip chainWith p)
without :: (Eq k) => ChainedHash k v -> k -> ChainedHash k v
without h k = withSlot h k (flip chainWithout k)
withMany :: (Eq k) => ChainedHash k v -> Chain k v -> ChainedHash k v
withMany src pairs = foldl' with src pairs
withoutMany :: (Eq k) => ChainedHash k v -> [k] -> ChainedHash k v
withoutMany src keys = foldl' without src keys
at :: (Eq k) => k -> ChainedHash k v -> Maybe v
at k h
| rows < hashed = Nothing
| otherwise = k `lookup` (ht!hashed)
where hf = hashFunc h
ht = chainTable h
rows = snd (bounds ht)
hashed = hf k
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module HashFunc where
import Data.Char(ord)
import Data.List(foldl')
class HashTranform a where
hashPrepare :: a -> Integer
instance HashTranform Integer where
hashPrepare = id
instance HashTranform String where
hashPrepare cs = fromIntegral (foldl' (flip ((+) . ord)) 0 cs)
divHashForSize :: (HashTranform a) => Integer -> a -> Integer
divHashForSize sz k = 1 + (hashPrepare k) `mod` sz
import ChainedHash (createHash, at, with, withMany, withoutMany)
import HashFunc (divHashForSize)
-- 0. Some basic empty templates
intHash = (createHash (divHashForSize :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)) 10)
strHash = (createHash (divHashForSize :: (Integer -> String -> Integer)) 10)
-- 1. U2 80x discography
u2'80x = intHash `withMany` [(1980, "Boy"),
(1981, "October"),
(1983, "War"),
(1984, "The Unforgettable Fire"),
(1987, "The Joshua Tree")]
-- 2. A sample config
conf = strHash `withMany` [("x-axis", 1),
("y-axis", 0),
("longitude", 7),
("tension", 2)]
-- 3. Drop some albums from the disco
u2'best = u2'80x `withoutMany` [1980, 1981]
-- 4. Update an entry in the config
conf1 = conf `with` ("tension", 1337)
-- 5. Add some albums to the disco
u2'best' = u2'best `with` (1993, "Zooropa")
-- 6. Merge some existing and new entries into the config
conf2 = conf1 `withMany` [("longitude", 100500),
("pressure", 13)]
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