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Created July 12, 2010 15:59
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;; (in-package :aer-core)
(defclass backprop ()
(defgeneric process (neural-object input)
(:documentation "Process the input vector"))
(defgeneric calculate-deltas (layer context)
(:documentation "Calculate the deltas"))
(defgeneric apply-corrections (neural-object scheme)
(:documentation "Apply the calculated weight corrections"))
(defgeneric calculate-corrections (network layer next-outputs scheme)
(:documentation "Calculate the corrections for the layer synapse weights"))
(defstruct bpcontext target layer errors)
(defclass layer ()
((outputs :reader outputs)))
(defclass educable-layer (layer)
((activation :reader activation :initarg :activation :initform (sigmoid))
(weights :reader weights)
(deltas :reader deltas)))
(defclass input-layer (layer) ())
(defclass hidden-layer (educable-layer) ())
(defclass output-layer (educable-layer) ())
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance educable-layer) &key (inputs 1) (neurons 1))
(with-slots (outputs weights corrections deltas) instance
(setf weights (matrix-create-tabulated (row inputs col neurons) (- 0.5 (random 1.0)))
outputs (make-instance 'matrix :cols neurons)
deltas (make-instance 'matrix :cols neurons)
corrections (make-instance 'matrix :rows inputs :cols neurons))))
(defmethod process ((instance educable-layer) (input matrix))
(with-slots (activation outputs weights) instance
(matrix-*-into outputs input weights)
(matrix-collect-into outputs (activation-function activation))))
(defmethod process ((instance input-layer) (input matrix))
(setf (slot-value instance 'outputs) input))
(defmethod calculate-deltas ((layer hidden-layer) context)
(with-slots (outputs deltas activation) layer
(with-slots ((prev-layer layer)) context
(let ((differencial (activation-differencial activation))
(prev-deltas (deltas prev-layer))
(prev-weights (weights prev-layer)))
(matrix-tabulate (deltas i j)
(* (funcall differencial (matrix-ref outputs 0 j))
(loop :for c :from 0 :to (1- (matrix-cols prev-weights)) :summing
(* (matrix-ref prev-deltas 0 c)
(matrix-ref prev-weights j c)))))))))
(defmethod calculate-deltas :before ((layer output-layer) context)
(with-slots (outputs) layer
(with-slots (target errors) context
(matrix-tabulate (errors i j)
(- (aref target j) (matrix-ref outputs 0 j))))))
(defmethod calculate-deltas ((layer output-layer) context)
(with-slots (outputs deltas activation) layer
(with-slots (errors) context
(let ((differencial (activation-differencial activation)))
(matrix-tabulate (deltas i j)
(* (funcall differencial (matrix-ref outputs 0 j))
(matrix-ref errors 0 j)))))))
(defmethod calculate-corrections (network layer next-outputs (scheme backprop))
(with-slots ((nju-param speed)) network
(with-slots (deltas corrections) layer
(matrix-tabulate (corrections i j)
(* nju-param (matrix-ref next-outputs 0 i) (matrix-ref deltas 0 j))))))
(defmethod apply-corrections ((instance educable-layer) scheme)
(with-slots (weights corrections) instance
(matrix+= weights corrections)))
(defun reset-corrections (layer)
(with-slots (corrections) layer
(matrix-tabulate (corrections i j) 0)))
(defmethod print-object ((object layer) stream)
(with-slots (weights activation) object
(format stream
"<~a inputs: ~a neurons: ~a>"
(class-of object)
(matrix-rows weights)
(matrix-cols weights))))
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