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Created October 16, 2012 19:41
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My Stumpwmrc
;; -*-lisp-*-
;; .stumpwmrc
;; Author: David Bjergaard <>
;; License: GPL
;; Modeled off of gwern's stumpwmrc file at:
(in-package :stumpwm)
;(load "/home/dave/builds/stumpwm/contrib/surfraw.lisp")
;;;;;;;;;; Global variable ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Default programs for various functions
;; Load swank.
;;*prefix-key* ; swank will kick this off
(require 'swank)
(defun cat (&rest strings) "Concatenates strings, like the Unix command 'cat'. A shortcut for (concatenate 'string foo bar)."
(apply 'concatenate 'string strings))
;(setf *window-border-style* :TIGHT)
(defparameter WEB-BROWSER "exec firefox"
"Set default web browser")
;(defparameter X-IMAGE-VIEWER "exec gqview"
; "Client Image Viewer" )
(setf *shell-program* (stumpwm:getenv "SHELL"))
;; Set font for input box
;(set-font "-lispm-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
;;;;;;;;;; Functions aliases and macros ;;;;;;;;;;;;
; --- process management ----------------------------------------
(defun ps-exists (ps)
(let ((f "ps -ef | grep ~S | grep -v -e grep -e stumpish | wc -l"))
(< 0 (parse-integer (run-shell-command (format nil f ps) t)))))
(defun start-uniq-command-ps (command &key op (bg t))
(unless (ps-exists command)
(concat command " " (or op "") " " (if bg "&" "")))))
(defun kill-ps-command (command)
(format nil "kill -TERM `ps -ef | grep ~S | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`"
(defun kill-ps (command)
(run-shell-command (kill-ps-command command)))
(defun shell-command (command) "Run a shell command and display output to screen.
This must be used in a functional side-effects-free style! If a program does not
exit of its own accord, Stumpwm might hang!"
(check-type command string)
(echo-string (current-screen) (run-shell-command command t)))
(define-stumpwm-command "shell-command" ((command :string "sh: " :string))
(check-type command string)
(shell-command command))
(defun replace-all (string part replacement &key (test #'char=))
"Returns a new string in which all the occurences of the PART is replaced with REPLACEMENT."
(with-output-to-string (out)
(loop with part-length = (length part)
for old-pos = 0 then (+ pos part-length)
for pos = (search part string
:start2 old-pos
:test test)
do (write-string string out
:start old-pos
:end (or pos (length string)))
when pos do (write-string replacement out)
while pos)))
(defun browse-url (url-string)
"Browse url using WEB-BROWSER"
(check-type url-string string)
(run-shell-command (concat WEB-BROWSER "\"" url-string "\"")))
(defcommand browser-find (url-string) ((:string "Browse to: "))
(check-type url-string string)
(browse-url url-string))
(defcommand setup-phy () ()
"Setup display and keyboard for my office at work"
(run-shell-command "xrandr --output HDMI1 --off --output LVDS1 --mode 1366x768 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --output DP1 --off --output VGA1 --off")
(run-shell-command "xrandr --output HDMI1 --off --output LVDS1 --mode 1366x768 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --output DP1 --off --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 1366x0 --rotate normal")
(run-shell-command "xmodmap .xmodmap")
(run-shell-command "xset b off")
;set wallpaper
(run-shell-command "sleep 2 && feh --bg-fill /home/dave/Dropbox/Photos/cherry_blossoms.jpg"))
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "F12") "setup-phy")
(defcommand google (search-string) ((:string "Search for: "))
"Ask user for a search string and search Google for it."
(check-type search-string string)
(run-shell-command (cat "surfraw google " search-string)))
(defcommand google-ifl (search-string) ((:string "Jump to: "))
"Same as GOOGLE, but with i'm feeling lucky on"
(check-type search-string string)
(run-shell-command (cat "surfraw google -l " search-string)))
(define-stumpwm-command "google-selection" ()
"Get the X selection and search for it through Google."
(run-shell-command (cat "exec surfraw google " (get-x-selection))))
;; Multimedia functions ;;
(defcommand notify-caps () ()
"Notify caps lock status when button is pressed"
(run-shell-command "~/Dropbox/"))
(defcommand vol-up () ()
"Increase the volume from the shell"
"pacmd set-sink-volume 0 $(printf '0x%x' $(( $(pacmd dump|grep set-sink-volume|cut -f3 -d' ') + 0xf00)) ) &> /dev/null"))
(defcommand vol-down () ()
"Decrease the volume from the shell"
"pacmd set-sink-volume 0 $(printf '0x%x' $(( $(pacmd dump|grep set-sink-volume|cut -f3 -d' ') - 0xf00)) ) &> /dev/null"))
;; FIXME: Implement this function
(defcommand vol-mute () ()
"toggle mute"
"pacmd set-sink-mute 0 $(if [ $(pacmd dump |grep set-sink-mute | cut -f 3 -d' ' ]; then echo yes; else echo no; fi;)"))
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "Print")
"exec import -window root png:$HOME/screenshot_$(date +%F_%H-%M-%S).png")
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Startup programs ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Enable X11 zap
(run-shell-command "setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp")
;; Disable annoying accessiblity features
(run-shell-command "xkbset -a")
;; Turn on the screensaver
;(run-shell-command "xscreensaver-command -exit; killall xscreensaver 2>/dev/null; xscreensaver -no-splash")
;; Set font dir to include lispm font since Xorg.conf doesn't seem to cut it
;;(run-shell-command "xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/bitmap")
;; Start pulseaudio so that we have sound!
(run-shell-command "pulseaudio --start")
;(run-shell-command "gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=gpg,pkcs11,secrets,ssh")
(run-shell-command "xmodmap ~/.xmodmap")
;; Load Xresources for custom fonts/colors in different programs
(run-shell-command "xrdb -load ~/.Xresources -quiet")
;; Must run after Xresources to make sure that the settings in xresources get read into the daemon.
(run-shell-command "urxvtd -q -f -o")
;; Set up dropbox to sync files (especially the .emacs and .stumpwmrc!)
(run-shell-command "sh /home/dave/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd &> /dev/null &")
(run-shell-command "nm-applet &> /dev/null &")
(run-shell-command "xfce4-panel &> /dev/null &")
(run-shell-command "xfce4-volumed &> /dev/null &")
(run-shell-command "xfce4-power-manager &> /dev/null &")
(run-shell-command "/usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd &> /dev/null &")
;; Set the background image aka wallpaper /usr/share/backgrounds/InthedarkRedux.jpg
(run-shell-command "feh --bg-scale /home/dave/Dropbox/Photos/cherry_blossoms.jpg")
;; Disable annoying system bell
(run-shell-command "xset b off")
;; Start Up groups ;;
(run-commands "gnewbg email"
"gnewbg music"
"gnewbg chat")
;;;;;;;;;; Keybindings and re-definitions;;;;;;;;;;;
;; change the prefix key
(set-prefix-key (kbd "C-q"))
;; Set up terminals
;; \"-lispm-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-*-*\"
(defparameter X-TERM "exec urxvt"
"X-TERM command definition so we can launch a terminal emulator")
;"exec emacsclient -c -e '(shell-switcher-new-shell)'"
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "c") X-TERM)
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-c") X-TERM)
;; Set up emacs client
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "e") "exec emacsclient -c ")
;; Browsing
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-f") WEB-BROWSER)
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "f") "exec conkeror")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "F") "google-ifl")
;; Surfraw
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "G") "google")
;; Multimedia!!
;(define-key *top-map* (kbd "Caps Lock") "notify-caps")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "XF86AudioLowerVolume") "vol-down")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "XF86AudioRaiseVolume") "vol-up")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-(") "vol-down")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-)") "vol-up")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-*") "vol-mute")
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