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Created February 2, 2014 22:49
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Bill Zimmerly's stumpwmrc
;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*-
;; 20130620 (WBZ) This version of my .stumpwmrc is the culmination
;; of several days of study, experimentation, and asking of help
;; from others. (Beginning on 20130609.)
;; This file is called "~/bin/stump/my.stumpwmrc" and is symbolically
;; linked as follows:
;; $ cd; ln -s ~/bin/stump/my.stumpwmrc .stumpwmrc
;; All files in the "~/bin/stump" directory are:
;; - My study notes on this project.
;; my.desktop ---- Saved with "dump-desktop-to-file."
;; ------- Loaded by this file, below.
;; my.stumpwmrc -- ***This file***, symlinked from ~/.stumpwmrc.
;; ---- Saved with "dump-window-placement-rules."
(in-package :stumpwm)
;; Set up the root window characteristics.
(run-shell-command "xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr -solid black -name root-window")
;; I need CONKY!!! :)
(run-shell-command "/usr/bin/conky")
;; Set the prefix key to something for both hands.
(set-prefix-key (kbd "C-i"))
;; I like at least 10 seconds for messages.
(setf *timeout-wait* 10)
;; Startup message: display the machine's name.
(setf *startup-message* (machine-instance))
;; I like messages to be centered on the screen.
(setf *message-window-gravity* :center)
(setf *input-window-gravity* :center)
;; I thought that this mode-line was fabulous!
(defvar *battery-status-command*
"acpi -b | awk -F '[ ,]' '{printf \"%s%s\", $3, $5}' | sed s/Discharging/\-/ | sed s/Unknown// | sed s/Full// | sed s/Charging/+/")
(defvar *vol-status-command*
"amixer get Master | grep [[:digit:]]\\+%' -o | tr -d '\\n'")
(setf *screen-mode-line-format*
(list "[^B%n^b] %W^>"
'(:eval (run-shell-command *battery-status-command* t))
" | Vol. "
'(:eval (run-shell-command *vol-status-command* t))
" | %d"))
(setf *window-format* "%m%n%s%c")
(setf *mode-line-timeout* 1)
;; Turn on the new mode line.
(toggle-mode-line (current-screen)
;; Factor this xterm-substitute someday.
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "c")
"exec urxvt +sb -fn \"xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=20\"")
;; Set the mouse focus.
(setf *mouse-focus-policy* :click)
;; Define the volume control and mute keys.
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "XF86AudioLowerVolume") "exec amixer set Master 5%-")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "XF86AudioRaiseVolume") "exec amixer set Master 5%+")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "XF86AudioMute") "exec amixer set Master toggle")
;; Use this command to see window properties; needed by the
;; (define-frame-preference ...) functions, below.
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "I") "show-window-properties")
;; An excellent application menu tool.
(defcommand mymenu () ()
(labels ((pick (options)
(let ((selection (stumpwm::select-from-menu (current-screen) options "")))
((null selection)
(throw 'stumpwm::error "Abort."))
((stringp (second selection))
(second selection))
(pick (cdr selection)))))))
(let ((choice (pick *app-menu*)))
(run-shell-command choice))))
;; Load up my custom menu.
(load "~/bin/stump/")
;; Finally, my preferred setup is four "groups" or "workspaces"
;; named F1, F2, F3, and F4. Switching among them is as simple
;; as "C-i Fn" since they are self-documenting.
;; When running on my main workstation, I like "F1" to automatically
;; start up with Totem at the top left, Emacs at the top right, and
;; Firefox at the bottom. When running on my other computers, don't
;; pre-start any of them.
;; Notice that the previously-saved "my.desktop" and ""
;; files are simply recalled from files to define where to place
;; the startup programs.
(defun mywm ()
(run-commands "grename F1")
(restore-from-file "~/bin/stump/my.desktop")
(run-commands "gselect 1")
(restore-window-placement-rules "~/bin/stump/")
(define-frame-preference "F1"
;; frame raise lock (lock AND raise == jumpto)
(0 t t :class "Totem")
(1 t t :class "Firefox")
(2 t t :title "emacs"))
(run-commands "exec totem" "emacs" "exec firefox"))
;; Run it at startup -IF- running on the "ztx" machine.
;; (All my other machines have displays that are too small.)
(defun run-ztx ()
(if (string= (machine-instance) "ztx []")
;; else do this...
(run-commands "grename F1" "gnewbg F2" "gnewbg F3" "gnewbg F4")))
------- file below --------
;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*-
;; My custom menu.
(defparameter *app-menu* '(("Audio/Video"
("Audacity" "audacity")
("Banshee" "banshee")
("MVC" "mate-volume-control")
("Totem" "totem"))
("ARM ARM" "evince ~/Library/Programming/Assembler/ARM/arm_arm.pdf")
("Bible Study" "xiphos")
("Handbook of Mathematics" "evince ~/Library/Mathematics/Handbook.pdf")
("My Kindle Books" "google-chrome")
("On LISP" "evince ~/Library/Programming/LISP/onlisp.pdf"))
("Ham Radio"
("Xastir" "xastir"))
("Chrome" "google-chrome")
("Firefox" "firefox")
("Google Earth" "/opt/google/earth/free/google-earth")
("Konqueror" "konqueror"))
("GnuChess" "xboard"))
("GIMP" "gimp"))
("Maxima" "wxmaxima")
("Sage" "urxvt +sb -fn \"xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=20\" -e /home/bzimmerly/src/sage-5.6/sage"))
("Office Applications"
("Emacs" "emacs")
("Libre Office" "libreoffice"))
("System Tools"
("Ethereal" "gksu /usr/local/bin/ethereal")
("Konqueror" "konqueror")
("Network Connections" "nm-connection-editor")
("VirtualBox" "VirtualBox")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd ".") "mymenu")
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