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Created May 14, 2012 21:47
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Least squares on distributed arrays using the Cholesky decomposition
for (potrs, elty) in (("dpotrs_", :Float64), ("spotrs_", :Float32),
("zpotrs_", :Complex128), ("cpotrs_", :Complex64))
@eval begin
function _jl_lapack_potrs(uplo, n, nrhs, A::StridedMatrix{$elty}, lda, B, ldb)
info = Array(Int32, 1)
ccall(dlsym(_jl_liblapack, $potrs), Void,
(Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Int32}, Ptr{Int32}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Int32},
Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Int32}, Ptr{Int32}),
uplo, &n, &nrhs, A, &lda, B, &ldb, info)
return info[1]
function (\)(A::DArray{Float64,2,1}, B::DArray{Float64,1,1})
if (any(procs(A) != procs(B)) || any(dist(A) != dist(B)))
error("Arrays A and B must be distributed similarly")
AtA = mapreduce(+, fetch, {@spawnat p _jl_syrk('T', localize(A)) for p in procs(A)})
AtB = mapreduce(+, fetch, {@spawnat p localize(A)' * localize(B) for p in procs(A)})
R = chol(AtA)
info = _jl_lapack_potrs("U", size(R, 2), 1, R, stride(R, 2), AtB, size(B, 1))
if info == 0; return AtB; end
if info > 0; error("matrix not positive definite"); end
error("error in CHOL")

My objective is to solve least squares problems with distributed arrays. The model matrix is distributed on the first dimension and the response vector is distributed in a compatible way. The calculation of A'*A and A'*B can be distributed with a mapreduce.

The initial for loop generates a series of methods for the Julia function _jl_lapack_potrs, each of which calls the appropriate*potrs subroutine in Lapack.

I suppose that one could be smarter about allowing B to be a distributed array of 1 or 2 dimensions but this is all I need at the moment.

There is a satisfying performance boost from the distributed arrays. Using

julia -p 3

on a 4-core processor I get

julia> sum([@elapsed X \ Y for i=1:5])

julia> sum([@elapsed dX \ dY for i=1:5])

where dX is a DArray{Float64,2,1} of dimension (9999,100) and size(dY) is (9999,). The arrays X and Y are the conversions of dX and dY to plain-old arrays. I ran this timing in version

Version 0.0.0+86067061.rd8be
Commit d8be98d19e (2012-05-15 02:10:07)

I should mention that part of the performance boost is due to using a Cholesky decomposition instead of the QR decomposition used in the \ operator for rectangular left-hand sides.

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