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Last active December 17, 2020 20:18
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A dumb microbenchmark: folding a 10000000 element list in OCaml vs C++ vs Python vs Go
Aggregate results:
Wall time:
OCaml: 0.76s
C++ (gcc defaults): 1.45s
C++ (gcc with -O2): 0.62s
Python: 2.18s
Go: 3.3s
Memory consumption:
OCaml: 146MiB
C++: 230MiB
Python: 347MiB
Go: 190MiB
$ ocamlopt -o list_test_ml ./
$ time ./list_test_ml
real 0m0.763s
user 0m0.669s
sys 0m0.087s
$ time ./list_test_ml
real 0m0.798s
user 0m0.720s
sys 0m0.071s
$ time ./list_test_ml
real 0m0.723s
user 0m0.647s
sys 0m0.070s
$ g++ -o list_test_cpp ./list_test.cpp
$ time ./list_test_cpp
real 0m1.412s
user 0m1.316s
sys 0m0.091s
$ time ./list_test_cpp
real 0m1.500s
user 0m1.397s
sys 0m0.097s
$ time ./list_test_cpp
real 0m1.431s
user 0m1.332s
sys 0m0.093s
$ time ./
real 0m2.127s
user 0m1.998s
sys 0m0.121s
$ time ./
real 0m2.282s
user 0m2.149s
sys 0m0.124s
$ time ./
real 0m2.142s
user 0m2.007s
sys 0m0.127s
$ go build list-test.go
$ time ./list-test
real 0m3.384s
user 0m3.621s
sys 0m0.249s
$ time ./list-test
real 0m3.136s
user 0m4.035s
sys 0m0.243s
$ time ./list-test
real 0m3.382s
user 0m3.583s
sys 0m0.256s
# valgrind calls
$ valgrind --tool=massif ./list_test_ml
$valgrind --tool=massif ./list_test_cpp
$ valgrind --tool=massif python3 ./
# Peak memory usage viewed with massif-visualizer
OCaml: 146MiB
C++: 230MiB
Python: 347MiB
Valgrind doesn't work for go, profiling with pprof tool gives:
$ go tool pprof --text mem.pprof
190.47MB of 190.47MB total ( 100%)
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
190.47MB 100% 100% 190.47MB 100%
package main
import "container/list";
import "fmt"
func main() {
first := 0;
last := 10000000;
l := list.New();
// build the list
for i := first; i <= last; i = i + 1 {
// fold the list
sum := 0
for e := l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
sum = sum + e.Value.(int)
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
int main(void)
int first = 0;
int last = 10000000;
std::list<int> l;
for(int x=first;x<=last;x++)
l.push_front(x); // push_front is O(1)
long sum = 0;
for (std::list<int>::const_iterator i = l.begin(), end = l.end(); i != end; ++i)
sum += *i;
std::cout << sum;
let first = 0
let last = 10000000
let make_list first last =
let rec aux xs n =
if n >= last then xs
let next = n + 1 in aux (next :: xs) next (* :: aka cons is O(1) *)
in aux [] first
(* If my memory hadn't failed me I wouldn't reimplement it, List.fold_left is already tail recursive *)
let fold f a xs =
let rec aux f acc ys =
match ys with
| [] -> acc
| y :: ys ->
let acc = f acc y in aux f acc ys
in aux f a xs
let () =
let xs = make_list first last in
print_endline @@ string_of_int (fold (+) 0 xs)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
first = 0
last = 10000000
def make_list(first, last):
i = first
l = []
while i <= last:
l.append(i) # append is O(1)
i = i + 1
return l
def sum_list(list):
sum = 0
for i in list:
sum = sum + i
return sum
l = make_list(first, last)
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macthecadillac commented Oct 15, 2017

Interesting results, although I think there are better ways to write the Python program.

Here is some Python code that does exactly the same thing:


In this code I deliberately created a list before summation so it would somewhat resemble your code algorithmically. If I forget about the list and sum the iterator directly it is even faster:


For this test your OCaml program was built with ocamlbuild list_test.native.

Here are the numbers on my computer averaged over 20 runs:

Average run time for OCaml native: 0.5426s
Average run time for Python original: 1.1347s
Average run time for Python v1: 0.3274s
Average run time for Python v2: 0.1854s

The timing script I used:

import time
import subprocess

def time_prog(cmd):
    t0 = time.time()
    p = subprocess.Popen([cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    t1 = time.time()
    Δt = t1 - t0
    print('utf8').strip())  # sanity check
    return Δt

progs = {'OCaml native': '/tmp/list_test.native',
         'Python original': '/tmp/',
         'Python v1': '/tmp/',
         'Python v2': '/tmp/'}
results = {}
N = 20
for prog, cmd in progs.items():
    results[prog] = []
    for _ in range(N):
        Δt = time_prog(cmd)

for prog, Δts in results.items():
    print("Average run time for {}: {}s"
          .format(prog, round(sum(Δts) / N, 4)))

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