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Last active September 24, 2020 11:26
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Mirroring OpenShift 4 Required Images and RedHat Operator Hub Images
#!/bin/bash -xe
export OCP_RELEASE="4.5.4"
export ARCHITECTURE="x86_64"
export LOCAL_REG='localhost:5000'
export LOCAL_REPO='ocp4/openshift4'
export LOCAL_REG_INSEC='true'
export UPSTREAM_REPO='openshift-release-dev'
export OCP_ARCH="x86_64"
# Directory where OCP images are written to or read from
# When mirroring to disk
export REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH="/home/danclark/packed/ocp-${OCP_RELEASE}"
# Registry where cluster images live for the disconnected cluster
export REMOTE_REG=""
# This needs to be a pull secret that combines the pull secret from Red Hat
# to pull all the images down and a pull secret from your local registry so we
# can push to it
export LOCAL_SECRET_JSON="${HOME}/pull-secret.json"
export RELEASE_NAME="ocp-release"
# Set these values to true for the catalog and miror to be created
export RH_OP='true'
export CERT_OP='false'
export COMM_OP='false'
export RH_OP_REPO="${LOCAL_REG}/olm/redhat-operators:${OCP_RELEASE}"
export CERT_OP_REPO="${LOCAL_REG}/olm/certified-operators:${OCP_RELEASE}"
export COMM_OP_REPO="${LOCAL_REG}/olm/community-operators:${OCP_RELEASE}"
# This is either the directory backing the local podman registry, i.e; /opt/registry/data
# Or this is the directory where the images will be mirrored to/from if using --to-dir
export DATA_DIR="/opt/registry/data/docker/"
export THREADS=1
function printhelp()
echo "Help me!"
exit 0
while getopts udh flag
case "${flag}" in
u) UPLOAD=true;;
d) DOWNLOAD=true;;
h) printhelp;;
if [ "${DOWNLOAD}" = true ]
mkdir -p "${REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH}/mirror"
mkdir -p "${REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH}/operator_manifests"
# Looks like this is working
# Mirror the cluster images to disk
echo "Mirroring cluster images"
oc adm release mirror -a ${LOCAL_SECRET_JSON} \
--to file://openshift/release \
# Looks like this is working
# Build the redhat-operators catalog source and mirror to disk
echo "Building redhat-operators catalog image"
oc adm catalog build --insecure \
--appregistry-org redhat-operators \
"--from=${OPERATOR_REGISTRY}" "--registry-config=${LOCAL_SECRET_JSON}" \
--dir=${REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH}/mirror \
# Grab the operator manifests
oc adm catalog mirror --manifests-only \
--registry-config "${LOCAL_SECRET_JSON}" --insecure=true \
--to-manifests=${REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH}/operator_manifests \
"" --dir=${REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH}/operators file://replaceme
# Mirror the images with multiple threads
# This sed command is weird because the images mirrored by tag already have file in them but not the digest based ones
cat "${REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH}/operator_manifests/mapping.txt" | sed 's|=replaceme|=file://|g' | xargs -n 1 -P ${THREADS} oc image mirror --filter-by-os=.* --keep-manifest-list=true --registry-config=${LOCAL_SECRET_JSON} --dir="${REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH}/mirror" '{}'
tar -cf "ocp-${OCP_RELEASE}-${ARCHITECTURE}-packaged.tar" "${REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH}"
if [ "${UPLOAD}" = true ]
# Push the OCP release images into the remote registry
oc image mirror -a ${LOCAL_SECRET_JSON} \
--insecure=${LOCAL_REG_INSEC} \
--from-dir=${REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH}/mirror \
file://openshift/release:${OCP_RELEASE}* \
# Push the redhat-operators catalog image into the remote registry
oc image mirror -a ${LOCAL_SECRET_JSON} \
--insecure=${LOCAL_REG_INSEC} \
--from-dir=${REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH}/mirror \
file://olm/redhat-operators:${OCP_RELEASE} \
# Push the redhat-operators images into the remote registry
cat "${REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH}/operator_manifests/mapping.txt" \
| sed "s|=replaceme|=${REMOTE_REG}|g" \
| sed "s|=file://|=${REMOTE_REG}|g" \
| xargs -n 1 -P ${THREADS} oc image mirror --registry-config=${LOCAL_SECRET_JSON} --dir="${REMOVABLE_MEDIA_PATH}/mirror" '{}'
exit 0
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