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Created February 24, 2012 01:41
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using jasmine: simple unit tests for a backbone index view
describe "Comnspace.Views.Entries.Index", ->
entries = undefined
view = undefined
$el = undefined
beforeEach ->
entries = new Comnspace.Collections.Entries()
entries.reset [
title: "Railscasts"
url: ""
title: "PeepCode"
url: ""
view = new Comnspace.Views.Entries.Index(collection: entries)
$el = $(view.render().el)
it "renders a collection of entries", ->
expect($el).toHaveText /Railscasts/
expect($el).toHaveText /PeepCode/
it "adds new entries when they're added to the collection", ->
entries.add new Comnspace.Models.Entry(
title: "thoughtbot backbone.js"
url: ""
expect($el).toHaveText /thoughtbot backbone.js/
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