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Created March 16, 2015 01:50
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Sketch of approximate jacobian
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module ApproximateJacobian
data SimpleDerivative = Constant Double
| ConstantDerivative Double
| Variable
knownDerivative :: SimpleDerivative -> Maybe Double
knownDerivative (Constant _) = Just 0
knownDerivative (ConstantDerivative x) = Just x
knownDerivative Variable = Nothing
approximateJacobian :: (forall a.Floating a=>[a]->[a]) -> Integer -> [[Maybe Double]]
approximateJacobian f n = fmap (fmap knownDerivative . f) ident
kronecker i j = if i == j then (ConstantDerivative 1) else (Constant 0)
ident = [[kronecker i j | i <- [1..n]] | j <- [1..n]]
instance Num SimpleDerivative where
(Constant a) + (Constant b) = Constant (a + b)
(Constant _) + b = b
a + (Constant _) = a
_ + _ = Variable
a - b = a + (negate b)
(Constant a) * (Constant b) = Constant (a * b)
(Constant 0) * b = Constant 0
a * (Constant 0) = Constant 0
(Constant a) * (ConstantDerivative b) = ConstantDerivative (a * b)
(ConstantDerivative a) * (Constant b) = ConstantDerivative (a * b)
_ * _ = Variable
negate (Constant a) = Constant (negate a)
negate (ConstantDerivative a) = ConstantDerivative (negate a)
negate _ = Variable
fromInteger = Constant . fromInteger
abs = abstractFun abs
signum = abstractFun signum
abstractFun :: (Double -> Double) -> SimpleDerivative -> SimpleDerivative
abstractFun f (Constant x) = Constant (f x)
abstractFun f (ConstantDerivative 0) = ConstantDerivative 0
abstractFun _ _ = Variable
instance Fractional SimpleDerivative where
recip (Constant a) = Constant (recip a)
recip (ConstantDerivative a) = ConstantDerivative (recip a)
recip _ = Variable
fromRational = Constant . fromRational
instance Floating SimpleDerivative where
pi = Constant pi
exp = abstractFun exp
sqrt = abstractFun sqrt
log = abstractFun log
(Constant a) ** (Constant b) = Constant (a ** b)
(ConstantDerivative 0) ** (ConstantDerivative 0) = ConstantDerivative 0
_ ** (Constant 0) = Constant 1
(ConstantDerivative a) ** (Constant 1) = ConstantDerivative a
(ConstantDerivative a) ** (Constant (-1)) = ConstantDerivative (negate a)
_ ** _ = Variable
logBase (Constant a) (Constant b) = Constant (logBase a b)
logBase (ConstantDerivative 0) (ConstantDerivative 0) = ConstantDerivative 0
logBase _ _ = Variable
sin = abstractFun sin
tan = abstractFun tan
cos = abstractFun cos
asin = abstractFun asin
atan = abstractFun atan
acos = abstractFun acos
sinh = abstractFun sinh
tanh = abstractFun tanh
cosh = abstractFun cosh
asinh = abstractFun asinh
atanh = abstractFun atanh
acosh = abstractFun acosh
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