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Created May 1, 2020 13:28
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Node.js script that will convert a TigerGraph schema archive JSON file into GSQL.
# written by Josh Meekhof
var fs = require("fs");
var content = fs.readFileSync("schema.json");
var schema = JSON.parse(content);
var vertextT = [];
var edgeT = [];
const joiner = (acc, val) => acc + (val + "\n");
vertices =;
edges =;
graph = "CREATE GRAPH " + schema.GraphName + "( " + vertextT.concat(edgeT).join(", ") + ") ";
statements = vertices.reduce(joiner) + edges.reduce(joiner) + graph;
function call_edge_handler(et) {
function e_handler(e){
return edge_handler(e,et);
return e_handler;
function edge_handler(edge, edgeTypes) {
var strEdge = "CREATE " + (edge.IsDirected ?"":"UN") + "DIRECTED EDGE " + edge.Name;
var strAttributes =;
strAttributes.unshift("TO " + edge.ToVertexTypeName);
strAttributes.unshift("FROM " + edge.FromVertexTypeName);
strEdge = strEdge + " ( " + strAttributes.join(", ") + " ) ";
var cfg = config_handler(edge.Config);
strEdge = strEdge + cfg
return strEdge;
function call_vertex_handler(vt) {
function vert_handler(v){
return vertex_handler(v,vt);
return vert_handler;
function vertex_handler(vertex, vertexTypes) {
//Create a string for a CREATE VERTEX Gsql command
var strVertex = "CREATE VERTEX " + vertex.Name;
//Create an array to hold all the attributes, treating primary ID as an attribute
var strAttribute =;
strAttribute.unshift("primary_id " + attribute_handler(vertex.PrimaryId));
strVertex = strVertex + "(" + strAttribute.join(", ") + ") ";
var cfg = config_handler(vertex.Config);
strVertex = strVertex + cfg;
return strVertex;
function attribute_handler(attribute) {
var strAttribute = attribute.AttributeName + " " + attribute.AttributeType.Name;
return strAttribute;
function config_handler(config) {
var strConf = "WITH "
var arConf = [];
var cfgKeys = Object.keys(config);
cfgKeys.forEach(function(key) {
arConf.push(key + '="' + config[key] + '"');
strConf = strConf + arConf.join(", ");
return strConf
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