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Last active August 23, 2017 19:23
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  • Save dmccreary/6393540 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dmccreary/6393540 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example of using Orbeon forms to create a spreadsheet like behavior to correctly calculate sums and differences even when nulls are present.
<html xmlns="" xmlns:ev="" xmlns:fr="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xf="" xmlns:xxforms="">
<title>Sample Annual Income and Expenses Report in Table</title>
<xs:simpleType name="decimalOrNull">
<xs:restriction base="listOfDecimals">
<xs:maxLength value="1"/>
<xs:simpleType name="listOfDecimals">
<xs:list itemType="xs:decimal"/>
<!-- the actual data that we save -->
<xf:instance xmlns="" id="save-data">
<!-- calculated values are used to verify data entry but do not need to be saved. -->
<xf:instance xmlns="" id="calculations">
<!-- all the values that we input and save -->
<xf:bind id="decimal-or-null" ref="instance('save-data')/*/*" type="decimalOrNull"/>
<!-- or you can use this
<xf:bind id="decimal-or-null" ref="instance('save-data')/*/*" type="xf:decimal"/> -->
<!-- row totals -->
<xf:bind ref="instance('calculations')/income-total" calculate="sum( (instance('save-data')/income/*)[string() castable as xs:decimal], 0)"/>
<xf:bind ref="instance('calculations')/expenses-total" calculate="sum( (instance('save-data')/expenses/*)[string() castable as xs:decimal], 0)"/>
<!-- quarterly column totals - this uses the name of the element to get the right value -->
<xf:bind ref="instance('calculations')/net-income/*" calculate=" for $quarter in name() return instance('save-data')/income/* [name() = $quarter and string() castable as xs:decimal] - instance('save-data')/expenses/* [name() = $quarter and string() castable as xs:decimal] "/>
<xf:bind ref="instance('calculations')/net-annual" calculate=" instance('calculations')/income-total[string() castable as xs:decimal] - instance('calculations')/expenses-total[string() castable as xs:decimal] "/>
<style type="text/css">
/* the table headers are gray with white centered text */
table thead tr th {
text-align:center !important;
font-weight:bold !important;
table tbody tr th {
background-color:gray !important;
text-align:center !important;
vertical-align:middle !important;
font-weight:bold !important;
/* by default, all table cells are inputs and have this width of 15 exs */
width:15ex !important;
/* this right aligns the numbers */
.xbl-fr-number-visible-input {
/* we add this class to all numeric output table data cells */
<body class="orbeon">
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
<th>Annual Totals</th>
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('save-data')/income/q1" prefix="">
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('save-data')/income/q2" prefix="">
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('save-data')/income/q3" prefix="">
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('save-data')/income/q4" prefix="">
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('calculations')/income-total" prefix="">
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('save-data')/expenses/q1" prefix="">
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('save-data')/expenses/q2" prefix="">
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('save-data')/expenses/q3" prefix="">
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('save-data')/expenses/q4" prefix="">
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('calculations')/expenses-total" prefix="">
<th>Net Income</th>
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('calculations')/net-income/q1" prefix=""/>
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('calculations')/net-income/q2" prefix=""/>
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('calculations')/net-income/q3" prefix=""/>
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('calculations')/net-income/q4" prefix=""/>
<td class="number-cell">
<fr:currency ref="instance('calculations')/net-annual" prefix=""/>
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