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Last active January 29, 2021 18:11
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import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
class EitherTests {
fun `infers types`() {
fun toInt(p: Either<String, Int>): Int = p.fold(
{ s -> s.toInt() },
{ i -> i }
assertEquals(42, toInt("42".bindA()))
assertEquals(99, toInt(99.bindB()))
val string = "42".bindA()
assertEquals(42, toInt(string))
val int = 99.bindA()
// doesn't compile
// toInt(int)
val int2 = int.swap()
assertEquals(99, toInt(int2))
fun properties() {
val string = "42".bindA()
assertEquals("42", string.a)
// doesn't compile
// string.b
assertEquals("42", string.swap().b)
val int = 99.bindB()
assertEquals(99, int.b)
// doesn't compile
// int.b
val either: Either<String, Int> = "42".bindA()
// don't compile
// either.a
// either.b
assertEquals("42", either.aOrNull())
assertEquals(null, either.bOrNull())
fun map1() {
val either: Either<String, Int> = "42".bindA()
val result: Either<Int, Int> = either.mapA { it.toInt() }
assertEquals(42, result.value)
fun map2() {
val either = "42".bindA()
val result = either.mapA { it.toInt() }
assertEquals(42, result.a)
fun map3() {
val either: Either<String, Int> = 99.bindB()
val result: Either<Int, Int> = either.mapA { it.toInt() }
assertEquals(99, result.value)
fun `chain maps`() {
val bindB: Either<String, Int> = 99.bindB()
assertEquals(99, bindB.mapA { it.toInt() }.mapB { it }.value())
// doesn't compile, telling you that you can't mapA!
// 99.bindB().mapA { it.toInt() }
fun `both types being nullable is a bit suss`() {
val defaultStringValue = -1
val defaultIntValue = -99
fun nullableToInt(p: Either<String?, Int?>): Int = p.fold(
{ s -> s?.toInt() ?: defaultStringValue },
{ i -> i ?: defaultIntValue }
val string: Either<String?, Int?> = null.bindA()
assertEquals(defaultStringValue, nullableToInt(string))
// hmmm
assertEquals(defaultStringValue, nullableToInt(null.bindB()))
inline class Either<out A, out B>(val value: Any?)
fun <A> A.bindA(): Either<A, Nothing> = Either(this)
fun <B> B.bindB(): Either<Nothing, B> = Either(this)
fun <A, B> Either<A, B>.swap(): Either<B, A> = this as Either<B, A>
val <A> Either<A, Nothing>.a get() = this.value
val <B> Either<Nothing, B>.b get() = this.value
fun <A> Either<A, A>.value(): A = this.value as A
inline fun <reified A> Either<A, *>.aOrNull(): A? = fold( { it }, { null } )
inline fun <reified B> Either<*, B>.bOrNull(): B? = fold( { null }, { it } ) // feels suss
inline fun <reified A, B, R> Either<A, B>.fold(
fa: (A) -> R,
fb: (B) -> R
) = when (this.value) {
is A -> fa(value)
else -> fb(value as B)
inline fun <reified A, B, R> Either<A, B>.mapA(f: (A) -> R): Either<R, B> =
when (this.value) {
is A -> f(value).bindA()
else -> this as Either<R, B>
inline fun <reified A, B, R> Either<A, B>.mapB(f: (B) -> R): Either<A, R> =
when (this.value) {
is A -> this as Either<A, R>
else -> f(value as B).bindB()
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