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Last active July 17, 2018 14:41
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(function() {
var callWithJQuery;
callWithJQuery = function(pivotModule) {
if (typeof exports === "object" && typeof module === "object") {
return pivotModule(require("jquery"), require("plotly.js"));
} else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
return define(["jquery", "plotly.js"], pivotModule);
} else {
return pivotModule(jQuery, Plotly);
callWithJQuery(function($, Plotly) {
var makejriPlotlyChart, makejriPlotlyScatterChart;
makejriPlotlyChart = function(traceOptions, layoutOptions, transpose) {
if (traceOptions == null) {
traceOptions = {};
if (layoutOptions == null) {
layoutOptions = {};
if (transpose == null) {
transpose = false;
return function(pivotData, opts) {
var colKeys, data, datumKeys, defaults, fullAggName, groupByTitle, hAxisTitle, layout, result, rowKeys, titleText, traceKeys;
defaults = {
localeStrings: {
vs: "per",
by: "by"
plotly: {
with_total: "false",
with_trendline: "false"
opts = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, opts);
rowKeys = pivotData.getRowKeys();
// rowKeys.push('total');
colKeys = pivotData.getColKeys();
traceKeys = transpose ? colKeys : rowKeys;
if (traceKeys.length === 0) {
if (opts.plotly.with_total === "true") {
if (opts.plotly.with_trendline === "true") {
datumKeys = transpose ? rowKeys : colKeys;
if (datumKeys.length === 0) {
// traceKeys.push('total');
fullAggName = opts.title;
if (pivotData.valAttrs.length) {
fullAggName += "(" + (pivotData.valAttrs.join(", ")) + ")";
data = {
var datumKey, i, labels, len, trace, val, values;
values = [];
labels = [];
for (i = 0, len = datumKeys.length; i < len; i++) {
datumKey = datumKeys[i];
if (traceKey == 'total') {
totalAggregator = pivotData.getAggregator([], datumKey);
val = totalAggregator.value();
} else if (traceKey == 'trendline') {
trendAggregator = jri_aggregators.trendLine(datumKey);
val = trendAggregator.value();
} else {
val = parseFloat(pivotData.getAggregator(transpose ? datumKey : traceKey, transpose ? traceKey : datumKey).value());
values.push(isFinite(val) ? val : 0);
labels.push(datumKey.join('-') || ' ');
if (traceKey != 'trendline') {
trace = {
name: traceKey.join('-') || fullAggName
} else {
trace = {
name: ''
trace.x = transpose ? values : labels;
trace.y = transpose ? labels : values;
return $.extend(trace, traceOptions);
if (transpose) {
hAxisTitle = pivotData.rowAttrs.join("-");
groupByTitle = pivotData.colAttrs.join("-");
} else {
hAxisTitle = pivotData.colAttrs.join("-");
groupByTitle = pivotData.rowAttrs.join("-");
titleText = fullAggName;
if (hAxisTitle !== "") {
titleText += " " + opts.localeStrings.vs + " " + hAxisTitle;
if (groupByTitle !== "") {
titleText += " " + + " " + groupByTitle;
layout = {
title: titleText,
hovermode: 'closest',
width: window.innerWidth / 1.4,
height: window.innerHeight / 1.4 - 50,
xaxis: {
title: transpose ? fullAggName : null,
automargin: true
yaxis: {
title: transpose ? null : fullAggName,
automargin: true
result = $("<div>").appendTo($("body"));
Plotly.newPlot(result[0], data, $.extend(layout, layoutOptions, opts.plotly));
return result.detach();
makejriPlotlyScatterChart = function() {
return function(pivotData, opts) {
var colKey, colKeys, data, defaults, i, j, layout, len, len1, renderArea, result, rowKey, rowKeys, v;
defaults = {
localeStrings: {
vs: "vs",
by: "by"
plotly: {}
opts = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, opts);
rowKeys = pivotData.getRowKeys();
if (rowKeys.length === 0) {
colKeys = pivotData.getColKeys();
if (colKeys.length === 0) {
data = {
x: [],
y: [],
text: [],
type: 'scatter',
mode: 'markers'
for (i = 0, len = rowKeys.length; i < len; i++) {
rowKey = rowKeys[i];
for (j = 0, len1 = colKeys.length; j < len1; j++) {
colKey = colKeys[j];
v = pivotData.getAggregator(rowKey, colKey).value();
if (v != null) {
layout = {
title: pivotData.rowAttrs.join("-") + ' vs ' + pivotData.colAttrs.join("-"),
hovermode: 'closest',
xaxis: {
title: pivotData.colAttrs.join('-'),
domain: [0.1, 1.0]
yaxis: {
title: pivotData.rowAttrs.join('-')
width: window.innerWidth / 1.5,
height: window.innerHeight / 1.4 - 50
renderArea = $("<div>", {
style: "display:none;"
result = $("<div>").appendTo(renderArea);
Plotly.plot(result[0], [data], $.extend(layout, opts.plotly));
return result;
makejriPlotlyPieChart = function() {
return function(pivotData, opts) {
var colKey, colKeys, data, defaults, i, j, layout, len, len1, renderArea, result, rowKey, rowKeys, v;
defaults = {
localeStrings: {
vs: "vs",
by: "by"
plotly: {}
opts = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, opts);
rowKeys = pivotData.getRowKeys();
if (rowKeys.length === 0) {
rowVals = pivotData.rowTotals;
if (rowVals.length === 0) {
data = {
values: [],
labels: [],
type: 'pie',
for (i = 0, len = rowKeys.length; i < len; i++) {
label = rowKeys[i];
tot = rowVals[label];
layout = {
title: pivotData.rowAttrs.join("-") + ' vs ' + pivotData.colAttrs.join("-"),
hovermode: 'closest',
width: window.innerWidth / 1.5,
height: window.innerHeight / 1.4 - 50
renderArea = $("<div>", {
style: "display:none;"
result = $("<div>").appendTo(renderArea);
Plotly.plot(result[0], [data], $.extend(layout, opts.plotly));
return result;
return $.pivotUtilities.jriplotly_renderers = {
"jripl Horizontal Bar Chart": makejriPlotlyChart({
type: 'bar',
orientation: 'h'
}, {
barmode: 'group'
}, true),
"jripl Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart": makejriPlotlyChart({
type: 'bar',
orientation: 'h'
}, {
barmode: 'relative'
}, true),
"jripl Bar Chart": makejriPlotlyChart({
type: 'bar'
}, {
barmode: 'group'
"jripl Stacked Bar Chart": makejriPlotlyChart({
type: 'bar'
}, {
barmode: 'relative'
"jripl Pie Chart": makejriPlotlyPieChart(),
"jripl Line Chart": makejriPlotlyChart(),
"jripl Scatter Chart": makejriPlotlyScatterChart()
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