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Last active May 19, 2020 05:36
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  • Save dmcshehan/9ccddcafb7774313319474979cfb1b7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dmcshehan/9ccddcafb7774313319474979cfb1b7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
All basic mongoDB commands at one place.

Show All Created Databases

show dbs

Starte using the database named dbname

 use dbname

Show a collections inside a database

show collections

Delete/Drop a database


Create database if not exist and start using it

use dbname

Get the current databse


Create a collection named posts


Insert a post into posts collection

db.posts.insert({ name: "Shehan", age: 24 });

Insert many posts into posts collection

db.posts.insertMany([{}, {}, {}]);

Get all the posts


Show all posts in a pretty way


Sort all posts based on title to Ascending order

db.posts.sort({ title: 1 }).pretty();

Count the number os posts

db.posts.find({ category: "news" }).count();

Get only 2 posts (Limit the number of posts)


#Get only 2 posts from the sorted posts

  .sort({ title: -1 })

Print all the names of posts

db.posts.find().forEach(function(post) {
  print("Post" +;

Get only one post from 'news' category

db.posts.findOne({ category: "news" });

Update a post, if not found, insert it

  { name: "Shehan" },
  { name: "Shay", age: 24 },
  { upsert: true }

Only update the specific part

db.posts.update({ name: "Shehan" }, { $set: { name: "Morgan", isMale: true } });

Increase age by 2

db.posts.update({ name: "Shehan" }, { $inc: { age: 2 } });

Rename 'age' to 'years'

db.posts.update({ name: "Shehan" }, { $rename: { age: years } });

Remove an instance

db.posts.remove({ name: "Shehan" });

Add sub documents

db.posts.update({ name: "Shehan" }, { $set: { skills: ["JavaScript"] } });

Find a document by sub document

db.users.find({ comments: { $elemMatch: { name: "Haily" } } }).pretty();

Creating an index

db.users.createIndex({ username: "text" });

Searching with Index

db.users.find({ $text: { $search: '"Moriah"' } }).pretty();

Greater than

db.users.find({ id: { $gt: 9 } }).pretty();

Greater than or Equal

db.users.find({ id: { $gte: 9 } }).pretty();

Lesser than

db.users.find({ id: { $lt: 9 } }).pretty();

Lesser than or Equal

db.users.find({ id: { $lte: 9 } }).pretty();
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