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matplotlib: add scale bars to axes
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- mode: python -*-
# Adapted from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1
# LICENSE: Python Software Foundation (
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredOffsetbox
class AnchoredScaleBar(AnchoredOffsetbox):
def __init__(self, transform, sizex=0, sizey=0, labelx=None, labely=None, loc=4,
pad=0.1, borderpad=0.1, sep=2, prop=None, barcolor="black", barwidth=None,
Draw a horizontal and/or vertical bar with the size in data coordinate
of the give axes. A label will be drawn underneath (center-aligned).
- transform : the coordinate frame (typically axes.transData)
- sizex,sizey : width of x,y bar, in data units. 0 to omit
- labelx,labely : labels for x,y bars; None to omit
- loc : position in containing axes
- pad, borderpad : padding, in fraction of the legend font size (or prop)
- sep : separation between labels and bars in points.
- **kwargs : additional arguments passed to base class constructor
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AuxTransformBox, VPacker, HPacker, TextArea, DrawingArea
bars = AuxTransformBox(transform)
if sizex:
bars.add_artist(Rectangle((0,0), sizex, 0, ec=barcolor, lw=barwidth, fc="none"))
if sizey:
bars.add_artist(Rectangle((0,0), 0, sizey, ec=barcolor, lw=barwidth, fc="none"))
if sizex and labelx:
self.xlabel = TextArea(labelx)
bars = VPacker(children=[bars, self.xlabel], align="center", pad=0, sep=sep)
if sizey and labely:
self.ylabel = TextArea(labely)
bars = HPacker(children=[self.ylabel, bars], align="center", pad=0, sep=sep)
AnchoredOffsetbox.__init__(self, loc, pad=pad, borderpad=borderpad,
child=bars, prop=prop, frameon=False, **kwargs)
def add_scalebar(ax, matchx=True, matchy=True, hidex=True, hidey=True, **kwargs):
""" Add scalebars to axes
Adds a set of scale bars to *ax*, matching the size to the ticks of the plot
and optionally hiding the x and y axes
- ax : the axis to attach ticks to
- matchx,matchy : if True, set size of scale bars to spacing between ticks
if False, size should be set using sizex and sizey params
- hidex,hidey : if True, hide x-axis and y-axis of parent
- **kwargs : additional arguments passed to AnchoredScaleBars
Returns created scalebar object
def f(axis):
l = axis.get_majorticklocs()
return len(l)>1 and (l[1] - l[0])
if matchx:
kwargs['sizex'] = f(ax.xaxis)
kwargs['labelx'] = str(kwargs['sizex'])
if matchy:
kwargs['sizey'] = f(ax.yaxis)
kwargs['labely'] = str(kwargs['sizey'])
sb = AnchoredScaleBar(ax.transData, **kwargs)
if hidex : ax.xaxis.set_visible(False)
if hidey : ax.yaxis.set_visible(False)
if hidex and hidey: ax.set_frame_on(False)
return sb
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dmeliza commented Aug 23, 2016

Glad it's been of use! axes_grid2 is a typo; thanks for catching it.

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dmeliza commented Sep 19, 2017

The last revision should fix issues with the bars not displaying in recent versions of matplotlib. Plus now you can customize color and width

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Hi @dmeliza thank you for sharing this -- it's helpful!

Not sure if you're updating this but thought I'd let you know that minimumdescent (like in line 32) is now deprecated:

Looks like it won't affect this since you set it to False anyway, but removing the parameter avoids a warning.

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dmeliza commented Oct 6, 2021

Thanks! Have not been using this myself any more, but appreciate the fix should I need to dust off my matplotlib skillz. Removed the offending parameter.

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Excellent, thanks!

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Amazing! Thanks, @dmeliza!

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AWESOME! Thanks a lot!

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