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Last active January 10, 2019 02:07
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This is the source code for the EchoMe Lex Chatbot Lambda function
'use strict';
* This code sample demonstrates an implementation of the Amazon Lex Code Hook Interface
* to echo back what the user says
* Written by: Dennis Hills
* Date: Jan 9, 2019
* Amazon Lex Bot setup requires only a single slot
* Usage: "repeat after me I am the boss" or "repeat after me the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"
// --------------- Main handler -----------------------
// Route the incoming request based on intent.
// The JSON body of the request is provided in the event slot.
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
try {
console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
echoBack(event, (response) => callback(null, response));
} catch (err) {
* Return echoed text back to user
function echoBack(intentRequest, callback) {
// Strip "repeat after me" intent off before responding
var echoResponse = intentRequest.inputTranscript.toLowerCase().replace("repeat after me", "").trim();
callback(close(null, 'Fulfilled', { contentType: 'PlainText', content: echoResponse }));
function close(sessionAttributes, fulfillmentState, message, responseCard) {
return {
dialogAction: {
type: 'Close',
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