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Last active December 13, 2018 22:43
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AWSMobileClient code for implementing basic auth or federated login using the AWS SDK for iOS and AWS Amplify Framework (CLI) - 2.7.0+
// AuthViewController.swift
// Created by Hills, Dennis on 12/13/2018.
// Copyright © 2018 Hills, Dennis. All rights reserved.
// About: Using AWS Amplify Framework for iOS 2.7.0+ to implement Basic Auth via Cognito User Pools with example Facebook option
// This sample includes the userState listener and AWSMobileClient implementation changes added to iOS SDK for AWS v.2.7.0+
// AWS Amplify Documentation:
// Basic Auth via User Pools blog:
// Facebook Login via Cognito Identity Pools (with User Pools, too):
// Google Sign-In:
// Login with Amazon blog via Cognito Identity Pools only:
// # High level steps to implement Facebook auth into your iOS apps with AWS
// [Prerequisites]
// Create a basic single view controller iOS (Swift) Xcode project
// Install & configure AWS Amplify Framework (CLI - $ npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
// [Backend]
// Amplify init (from Xcode project folder)
// Amplify add auth (or Amplify update auth)
// Amplify push
// [Client]
// Add AWSConfiguration.swift to your xcode project
// Pod init
// Add AWSMobileClient dependancies to Podfile
// Pod install --repo-update
// Add this code to your ViewController (No singleton required in the AppDelegate)
// *NOTE* Make sure the ViewController has a NavigationController if you are using the Auth UI as part of the AWS SDK for iOS
import UIKit
import AWSMobileClient
import FBSDKLoginKit // FACEBOOK ONLY: Used for signing out of Facebook. FB SDK installed by AWS SDK for iOS
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
initializeAWSMobileClient() // Initialize the AWSMobileClient
// Initializing the AWSMobileClient and take action based on current user state
func initializeAWSMobileClient() {
AWSMobileClient.sharedInstance().initialize { (userState, error) in
self.addUserStateListener() // Register for user state changes
if let userState = userState {
case .signedIn: // is Signed IN
print("Logged In")
print("Cognito Identity Id (authenticated): \(String(describing: AWSMobileClient.sharedInstance().identityId))")
case .signedOut: // is Signed OUT
print("Logged Out")
print("Cognito Identity Id (unauthenticated): \(String(describing: AWSMobileClient.sharedInstance().identityId))")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
case .signedOutUserPoolsTokenInvalid: // User Pools refresh token INVALID
print("User Pools refresh token is invalid or expired.")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
case .signedOutFederatedTokensInvalid: // Login with Amazon, Facebook, Google, or Twitter refresh token INVALID
print("Federated refresh token is invalid or expired.")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
} else if let error = error {
// Use the iOS SDK drop-in Auth UI to show login options to user (Basic auth, Google, or Facebook)
// Note: The view controller implementing the drpo-in auth UI needs to be associated with a Navigation Controller.
func showSignIn() {
AWSMobileClient.sharedInstance().showSignIn(navigationController: self.navigationController!, {
(userState, error) in
if(error == nil){ // Successful signin
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("User successfully logged in")
// AWSMobileClient - realtime notifications on user state changes
// This is super useful for immediately taking action when a refresh token has expired or a user has logged out
func addUserStateListener() {
AWSMobileClient.sharedInstance().addUserStateListener(self) { (userState, info) in
switch (userState) {
case .guest:
print("Listener: guest")
print("Cognito Identity Id (unauthenticated): \(String(describing: AWSMobileClient.sharedInstance().identityId))")
case .signedIn:
print("Listener: signedIn") // Called after successful login with User Pools or Federated login via drop-in auth UI
print("Cognito Identity Id (authenticated): \(String(describing: AWSMobileClient.sharedInstance().identityId))")
case .signedOut:
print("Listener: signedOut") // Triggered by AWSMobileClient.sharedInstance().signOut()
print("Cognito Identity Id (authenticated): \(String(describing: AWSMobileClient.sharedInstance().identityId))")
case .signedOutUserPoolsTokenInvalid: // Cognito User Pools refresh token is invalid
print("Listener: signedOutUserPoolsTokenInvalid")
case .signedOutFederatedTokensInvalid: // Facebook, Google, Login with Amazon, or Twitter refresh token invalid
print("Listener: signedOutFederatedTokensInvalid")
print("unsupported userstate")
func signOut() {
// FACEBOOK ONLY - Use to sign out the user from Facebook (good for testing or allowing the user to login as another FB user)
let manager = FBSDKLoginManager()
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Remove the AWSMobileClient user state listener when this VC goes away
// AWSMobileClient.sharedInstance().removeUserStateListener(self)
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