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Last active May 25, 2022 08:31
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Rx retry with delay operator
private const val REPO_DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT = 5 // 62 sec total ~1 min
private val zipper = BiFunction { t: Throwable, u: Int -> Pair(t, u) }
fun Completable.networkStateRetry(retryAttempts: Int = REPO_DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT): Completable =
retryWhen {
// retryAttempts + 1 для того чтобы была выброшена ошибка
it.zipWith(Flowable.range(1, retryAttempts + 1), zipper)
.flatMap { result ->
val delayTime = 1L * 2.0.pow(result.second.toDouble()).roundToLong()
return@flatMap (
if (
result.first is NetworkErrorException &&
result.second <= retryAttempts
) {
Timber.d("retry: ${result.second}")
Timber.d("delayTime: $delayTime")
} else {
Flowable.error(result.first) // сработает сразу без ожидания в delayTime
.delay(delayTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
fun <T: Any> Single<T>.networkStateRetry(retryAttempts: Int = REPO_DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT): Single<T> =
retryWhen {
// One more in range to prevent zip from closing right away with request still in process.
it.zipWith(Flowable.range(1, retryAttempts + 1), zipper)
.flatMap { result ->
val delayTime = 1L * 2.0.pow(result.second.toDouble()).roundToLong()
return@flatMap (
if (
result.first is NetworkErrorException &&
result.second <= retryAttempts
) {
Timber.d("retry: ${result.second}")
Timber.d("delayTime: $delayTime")
} else {
Flowable.error(result.first) // сработает сразу без ожидания в delayTime
.delay(delayTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
* Starts retrying with increased times (2, 4, 8, 16 etc.) but stops increasing time after certain amount of retries.
* After that keeps retrying indefinitely with the same delay.
* For example with param = 3 - retries would after 2, 4, 8, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16 etc seconds.
fun <T> Single<T>.networkStateRetryIndefinitely(timeIncreaseCount: Int = REPO_DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT): Single<T> =
retryWhen {
var counter = 1
it.flatMap { result ->
if (result is NetworkErrorException) {
val delayTime = 2.0.pow(counter).roundToLong()
if (counter <= timeIncreaseCount) counter++
Timber.d("PendingStatusException delayTime: $delayTime")
Flowable.just(Unit).delay(delayTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
} else {
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