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Last active February 4, 2023 21:48
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Convert Python dictionary to NETCONF XML payload
from typing import Any, Union, Optional
from lxml import etree
__license__ = "MIT"
# Feel free to re-use the code snippet for any projects without attribution
def dict_to_xml(
data: Any, root: Union[None, str, etree._Element] = None, attr_marker: str = "_"
) -> etree.Element:
"""Converts Python dictionary with YANG data to lxml etree.Element object.
XML attributes must be represented in nested dictionary, which is accessed by the
element name. Attribute keys must be prepended with underscore.
Common use-cases:
* operation attribute. For example:
{"vrf": {"_operation": "replace"}} -> <vrf operation="replace"></vrf>
* changing default namespace. For example:
{"native": {"hostname": "R1", "_xmlns": ""}} ->
<native xmlns=""><hostname>R1</hostname></native>
Empty XML tags (including self-closing tags) are represented with value `None`:
{"address-family": {"ipv4": None}} -> <address-family><ipv4/></address-family>
When an element has attributes, it can't be simply represented with key-value pair,
instead use #text key, for example:
{"bundle-name": {
"_xmlns": "",
"#text": "authenticated"
}} ->
<bundle-name xmlns="">authenticated</bundle-name>
Namespaces with prefix:
1. They need to be defined under the top-level key "_namespaces" in the dictionary
in the form prefix:namespace. E.g.:
{"_namespaces": {"ianaift": "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:iana-if-type"}}
2. Use the form `element-name+prefix` to use it for a specific element. E.g.:
{"type+ianaift": "ianaift:ethernetCsmacd"} ->
<type ianaift="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:iana-if-type">ianaift:ethernetCsmacd</type>
namespaces = data.pop("_namespaces", {})
def _dict_to_xml(data_: Any, parent: Optional[etree._Element] = None) -> None:
nonlocal root
if not isinstance(data_, dict):
raise ValueError("provided data must be a dictionary")
for key, value in data_.items():
if key.startswith(attr_marker):
# handle keys starting with attr_marker as tag attributes
attr_name = key.lstrip(attr_marker)
parent.attrib[attr_name] = value
elif key == "#text":
parent.text = value
if "+" in key:
key, *_namespaces = key.split("+")
nsmap = {ns: namespaces[ns] for ns in _namespaces}
nsmap = None
element = etree.Element(key, nsmap=nsmap)
if root is None:
root = element
if parent is not None and not isinstance(value, list):
if isinstance(value, dict):
_dict_to_xml(value, element)
elif isinstance(value, list):
for item in value:
list_key = etree.Element(key)
_dict_to_xml(item, list_key)
if value is True or value is False:
value = str(value).lower()
elif value is not None and not isinstance(value, str):
value = str(value)
element.text = value
if isinstance(root, str):
root = etree.Element(root)
_dict_to_xml(data, root)
return root
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