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Last active May 6, 2019 21:48
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modular function eval that interprets expressions that are constructed using the a la carte ` technique
import cats.implicits._
import cats.{Functor, MonadError}
// links:
// [1]
// [2]
object LaCarte {
type ErrorOr[A] = Either[String, A]
case class Coproduct[F[_], G[_], A](run: Either[F[A], G[A]])
sealed trait Arith[A]
case class Val[A](x: Int) extends Arith[A]
case class Add[A](a: A, b: A) extends Arith[A]
sealed trait Except[A]
case class Throw[A](error: String) extends Except[A]
case class Catch[A](e: A, h: A) extends Except[A]
trait Fix[F[_]]
case class In[F[_]](exp: F[Fix[F]]) extends Fix[F]
type ArithOrExcept[A] = Coproduct[Arith, Except, A]
implicit object ArithFunctor extends Functor[Arith] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Arith[A])(f: A => B): Arith[B] = {
fa match {
case Val(x) => Val(x)
case Add(a, b) => Add(f(a), f(b))
implicit object ExceptFunctor extends Functor[Except] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Except[A])(f: A => B): Except[B] = {
fa match {
case Throw(e) => Throw(e)
case Catch(e, h) => Catch(f(e), f(h))
implicit def coproductFunctor[F[_] : Functor, G[_] : Functor]: Functor[Coproduct[F, G, ?]] = new Functor[Coproduct[F, G, ?]] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Coproduct[F, G, A])(f: A => B): Coproduct[F, G, B] = {
fa match {
case Coproduct(Left(value)) => Coproduct(Either.left(implicitly[Functor[F]].map(value)(f)))
case Coproduct(Right(value)) => Coproduct(Either.right(implicitly[Functor[G]].map(value)(f)))
trait Eval[F[_]] {
def evAlg(f: F[ErrorOr[Int]])(implicit functor: Functor[F]): ErrorOr[Int]
implicit object ArithEval extends Eval[Arith] {
override def evAlg(f: Arith[ErrorOr[Int]])(implicit functor: Functor[Arith]): ErrorOr[Int] = {
f match {
case Val(x) => MonadError[ErrorOr, String].pure(x)
case Add(a, b) => for {
a1 <- a
b1 <- b
} yield a1 + b1
implicit object ExceptEval extends Eval[Except] {
override def evAlg(f: Except[ErrorOr[Int]])(implicit functor: Functor[Except]): ErrorOr[Int] = {
f match {
case Throw(error) => MonadError[ErrorOr, String].raiseError(error)
case Catch(x, h) => x >> h
implicit def coproductEval[G[_] : Eval : Functor, F[_] : Eval : Functor]: Eval[Coproduct[F, G, ?]] = new Eval[Coproduct[F, G, ?]] {
override def evAlg(f: Coproduct[F, G, ErrorOr[Int]])
(implicit functor: Functor[Coproduct[F, G, ?]]): ErrorOr[Int] = {
val functorF = implicitly[Eval[F]]
val functorG = implicitly[Eval[G]]
f match {
case Coproduct(Left(x)) => functorF.evAlg(x)
case Coproduct(Right(y)) => functorG.evAlg(y)
def fold[F[_] : Functor, A](f: F[A] => A): Fix[F] => A = {
case In(t) =>
val g: F[Fix[F]] => F[A] = implicitly[Functor[F]].lift(fold(f))
def eval[F[_] : Eval : Functor](f: Fix[F]): ErrorOr[Int] = fold(implicitly[Eval[F]].evAlg).apply(f)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// val 1 ‘add‘ val 2
val three: Fix[Arith] = In(Add(In(Val(1)), In(Val(2))))
println(eval(three)) // Right(3)
// val 42 ‘add‘ throw
var error: Fix[ArithOrExcept] = In(Coproduct(Either.left(Add(In(Coproduct(Either.left(Val(42)))), In(Coproduct(Either.right(Throw("unexpected error"))))))))
println(eval(error)) // Left(unexpected error)
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