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Created July 16, 2021 04:15
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Lists of resolvers in graph-gophers/graphql-go - funny behavior because pointers
// when you get a list of objects to resolve, you create a slice of resolvers for each
// element in the list of objects. But be careful how you structure your loops because
// there are a log of pointers to pointers etc
func (*rootResolver) TeamsByNickname(args struct{ Nickname string }) *[]*teamResolver {
// assume teams = slice of objects from a database
// create a list of resolvers : the right way
// this is ok because it gives a pointer to elements of the slice
var tr []*teamResolver = make([]*teamResolver, len(teams))
for i := range teams {
tr[i] = &teamResolver{&teams[i]}
fmt.Println(i, tr[i].t)
// create a list of resolvers the wrong way
// this will fail because it generates pointers to the same object for the resolver
var tx []*teamResolver = make([]*teamResolver, len(teams))
for i,t := range teams {
tx[i] = &teamResolver{&t}
fmt.Println(i, tx[i].t) // this will print ok because at this point &t points to the current value
// tx
// at this point, &t points to teams[last] for all the elements in tx
return &tr
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