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A letter to Marco Rubio. Consider the text as released into the public domain and feel free to adapt it to your needs.

Dear Senator Rubio,

Thank you for serving our State in your capacity as one of our Senators.

I am sorry to say that today I am contacting you because I am appalled by the behavior of our Republican party with respect to the AHCA. The lack of transparency and oversight is completely unbecoming of one of our major parties, and it is completely unacceptable in a democracy where the outcomes of this bill will affect so many lives.

Therefore, I demand that you and your colleagues immediately release the details of the Senate's alterations to the AHCA and that there be public hearings wherein we can assess the impact of this bill.

The ACA is not perfect, but it needs to be reformed NOT repealed. We need to ensure that there is a genuinely affordable option. ($5k per annum deductibles are not acceptable for anyone earning less than 30k a year.) We need to ensure that the states cannot individually undo the protections provided by the ACA that ensure a basic level of access to preventative care as well as catastrophic coverage, regardless of any pre-existing conditions.

I can't believe that in 2017 I have to plead with my representatives to protect our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by ensuring we all have access to the healthcare we need in order to live our lives.

Please stand tall for Florida, and ensure that all Americans have access to the American Dream and that none are reduced in dignity because they are unable to afford health.

Thank you again for your service.

Sincerely, David M. Howcroft

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