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Created November 8, 2020 11:33
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Optical illusion 23
lightpurple <- "#c0c0f2"
darkpurple <- "#9596ce"
x <- 5
s <- x*10
a <- x*sqrt(2)
chkrs_pat <- stag$pattern(width=2*s, height=2*s, id = 'chkrs_pattern',
patternUnits = 'userSpaceOnUse',
stag$rect(x=0, y=0, width =s, height = s, fill=lightpurple),
stag$rect(x=s, y=0, width =s, height = s, fill=darkpurple),
stag$rect(x=0, y=s, width =s, height = s, fill=darkpurple),
stag$rect(x=s, y=s, width =s, height = s, fill=lightpurple)
rb <- stag$polygon(id="sqr", xs = c(a, 2*a,a, 0, a), ys=c(0, a, 2*a, a, 0))
w <- s*13; h <- s*13;
doc <- svg_doc(width = w, height = h,
stag$rect(x=0, y=0, width = '100%', height='100%', fill='pink'))
bw <- factor(c("black", "white"))
ffs <- list(x=c(a,0,a, 2*a)-2*a, y=c(0,a,2*a,a)-2*a)
vg <- stag$g(id="v",
stag$use(`xlink:href`='#sqr', fill=levels(bw)[i%%2+1],
svg_prop$transform$translate(ffs$x[i], ffs$y[i])))
hg <- stag$g(id="h",
stag$use(`xlink:href`='#sqr', fill=levels(bw)[2-i%%2],
svg_prop$transform$translate(ffs$x[i], ffs$y[i])))
rw <- rep(0:2, 4); cl <- rep(0:3, each=3)
rf <- paste0(rep("#", 12), c("v", "h"))
xs_g <- stag$g(lapply(1:12,function(i)
xs_pat <- stag$pattern(width=2*s, height = 2*s, id="xs_pattern",
patternUnits = 'userSpaceOnUse', xs_g)
sx_pat <- stag$pattern(x=0, y=s, width = 2*s, height=2*s, id="sx_pattern",
patternUnits = 'userSpaceOnUse', xs_g)
doc$add('defs', chkrs_pat,xs_pat,sx_pat, rb, vg, hg)
doc$rect(x=0, y=0, width = '100%', height ='100%', fill=chkrs_pat)
doc$rect(x=s-2*a, y=s-2*a, width = 6*s, height = 6*s, fill=xs_pat)
doc$rect(x=s-2*a+6*s, y=s-2*a, width = 6*s, height = 6*s, fill=sx_pat)
doc$rect(x=s-2*a, y=s-2*a+6*s, width = 6*s, height = 6*s, fill=sx_pat)
doc$rect(x=s-2*a+6*s, y=s-2*a+6*s, width = 6*s, height = 6*s, fill=xs_pat)
rsvg::rsvg_png(charToRaw(as.character(doc)), "illusion_23.png")
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dmi3kno commented Nov 8, 2020


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