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Created January 17, 2023 19:44
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Function factory with changeable argument name
logit <- function(u) log(u)-log(1-u)
raise_to_pow <- function(fun, pname_pow=".pow"){
eval(parse(text=gsub(pattern=".pow", replacement=pname_pow,
"function(u, .pow=1, ...) fun(u,...)^(.pow)")))
powlogit <- logit %>% raise_to_pow(pname_pow="e")
#[1] 1.921812
#[1] 1.921812
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dmi3kno commented Jan 18, 2023

I think the bquote is the least transparent solution. The explicit call construction with has a slight benchmark advantage, so I reused it and expanded for readability (at negligible cost).

raise_to_pow4 <- function(fun, pname_pow=".pow") {
  f <- function(u, .pow=1, ...){
  formals_ <- formals(f)
  body_ <- body(f)
  names(formals_)[names(formals_) == ".pow"] <- pname_pow
  body_ <-, list(body_, list(.pow = as.symbol(pname_pow))))
  as.function(c(formals_, body_))

Now I can separate the programming from meta-programming and refactor my functions easily. Thank you very much @moodymudskipper for this!

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