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Created March 28, 2022 09:33
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import requests
import pandas as pd
from datetime import date, timedelta
def cryptofees(_query_str):
fees_requests = requests.get("" + _query_str)
json_data = fees_requests.json()
_df = pd.json_normalize(json_data['data'], record_path=['data'], meta=['id'], errors='ignore')
#, inplace=True)
return _df
id_dict = {
# 'eth': 'Ethereum',
# 'bsc': 'Binance Smart Chain',
# 'uniswap-v3': 'Uniswap V3',
# 'uniswap-v2': 'Uniswap V2',
# 'compound': 'Compound',
# 'aave-v2': 'Aave V2',
# 'sushiswap-ethereum': 'Sushiswap - Ethereum',
# 'trader-joe': 'Trade Joe',
# 'terraswap': 'Terraswap',
# 'aave-v2-polygon-proto': 'Aave - Polygon',
'btc': 'Bitcoin',
# 'maker': 'MakerDAO',
# 'avalanche-c-chain': 'Avalanche C-chain',
# 'aave-v2-avalanche-proto': 'Aave V2 - Avalanche',
# 'solana': 'Solana',
# 'quickswap': 'Quickswap',
# 'ens': 'Ethereum Naming Service',
# 'balancerv2': 'Balance V2',
# 'bancor': 'Bancor',
# 'polygon-pos': 'Polygon',
# 'pangolin': 'Pangolin',
# 'sushiswap-polygon': 'Sushiswap - Polygon',
# 'arbitrum-one': 'Arbitrum',
# 'fantom': 'Fantom',
# 'uniswap-polygon': 'Uniswap - Polygon',
# 'sushiswap-arbitrum-one': 'Sushiswap - Arbitrum',
# 'ada': 'Cardano',
# 'balancerv2-polygon': 'Balancer - Polygon',
# 'uniswap-arbitrum': 'Uniswap - Arbitrum',
# 'balancer-v1': 'Balancer V1',
# 'liquity': 'Liquity',
# 'terra': 'Terra',
# 'dfyn': 'Dfyn',
# 'aave-v1': 'Aave V1',
# 'tornado-ethereum': 'Tornado',
# 'hop-optimism': 'Hop - Optimism',
# 'ren': 'Ren',
# 'hop-polygon': 'Hop - Polygon',
# 'hop-arbitrum': 'Hop - Arbitrum',
# 'doge': 'Doge',
# 'xdai': 'xDAI',
# 'xtz': 'Tezos',
# 'spookyswap': '',
# 'abracadabra-ethereum': '',
# 'abracadabra-bsc': '',
# 'abracadabra-arbitrum-one': '',
# 'abracadabra-fantom': '',
# 'abracadabra-avalanche': '',
# 'polkadot': 'Polkadot',
# 'balancerv2-arbitrum': 'Balancer V2 - Arbitrum',
# 'polymarket': 'Polymarket',
# 'bsv': 'Bitcoin Satoshi Vision',
# 'zilliqa': 'Zilliqa',
# 'honeyswap': 'HoneySwap',
# 'xlm': 'Stellar',
# 'xrp': 'Ripple',
# 'ltc': 'Litecoin',
# 'sushiswap-fantom': 'Sushiswap - Fantom',
# 'swapr-xdai': 'Swapr - xDAI',
# 'hop-xdai': 'Hop - xDAI',
# 'synthetix-mainnet': 'Synthetix',
# 'mstable': 'mStable',
# 'avalanche-x-chain': 'Avalanche X-chain',
# 'swapr-arbitrum': 'Swapr - Arbitrum',
# 'xmr': 'Monero',
# 'bch': 'Bitcoin Cash',
# 'aave-v2-amm': 'Aave V2',
# 'swapr-ethereum': 'Swapr - Ethereum',
# 'kusama': 'Kusama',
# 'uniswap-v1': 'Uniswap V1',
# 'avalanche-p-chain': 'Avalanche P-chain',
# 'linkswap': 'Linkswap'
column_dict = {
'id': '',
'name': '',
'fee': 'Fees',
date_obj = pd.date_range(start="2021-01-01", end='2021-12-31', freq='D').to_pydatetime().tolist()
# date_obj = pd.date_range(start="2021-01-01", end="2021-01-31", freq='D').to_pydatetime().tolist()
date_str = [i.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for i in date_obj]
separator = ","
get_date = separator.join(date_str)
df_orig = pd.DataFrame()
# for i in ['polygon']:
for i in list(id_dict.keys()):
print('started' + i)
for j in date_obj:
txt = i + '=' + j.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '&'
query_str += txt
df_orig = pd.concat([df_orig, cryptofees(txt)], axis=0).reset_index(drop=True)
print('finished' + i)
# df_orig['year'] = pd.to_datetime(df_orig['date']).dt.year
# df_final = df_orig.groupby(['id', 'year']).sum()
# df_final.to_csv('cryptofees_yearly.csv')
# print(df_final)
# pd.DataFrame(missing_list).to_csv('missing_protocol_dates_1.csv')
# for each protocol and each day, see if data exists
# if data exists add it to a data frame as date, protocol, fees
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