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Created January 26, 2023 09:52
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Submodules batch migration scripts
# Clone all branches individually
my(@branches) = (
my($remote_repo_url) = "git\@gitea.local:hypersolve/eskew.git";
for $branch (@branches)
system("git clone --branch $branch $remote_repo_url $branch");
# Switch remote origin to a new one
my(@branches) = (
my($remote_repo_url) = "git\";
for $branch (@branches)
system("cd $branch && git remote remove origin && git remote add origin $remote_repo_url && git push origin $branch");
# Replace old submodules URLs in .gitmodules files
my(@branches) = (
my($remote_repo_url) = "git\";
for $branch (@branches)
system("cd $branch && sed -i \"s|git\@gitea.local:hypersolve/eskew.git|git\|g\" .gitmodules && git add .gitmodules && git commit -m \"Updating .gitmodules to use new URLs for components\" && git push origin $branch");
# Recursively update submodules, until all of their dependencies are up to date.
# apt install libconfig-tiny-perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config::Tiny;
my(@components) = (
my($remote_repo_url) = "git\";
while (1)
my($updated) = 0;
foreach my $component (@components)
my($filename) = "$component/.gitmodules";
my($gitmodules) = Config::Tiny->read($filename, 'utf8');
system("cd $component && git submodule init && git submodule update");
foreach my $module (keys %{$gitmodules})
print "[$module]\n";
my($path) = $gitmodules->{$module}->{"path"};
my($url) = $gitmodules->{$module}->{"url"};
my($branch) = $gitmodules->{$module}->{"branch"};
my($name) = $path;
$name =~ s/^.*\///g;
if (not ($url eq "git\"))
my($cmd) = "cd $component && cd $path && git checkout $branch && git pull origin $branch";
print "$cmd\n";
my($dirty) = join("", `cd $component && git status --porcelain`);
chomp $dirty;
if ($dirty ne "")
system("cd $component && git add $path && git commit -m \"Updating submodule $name\"");
$updated = 1;
my($push) = join("", `cd $component && git push origin $component 2>&1`);
chomp $push;
if ($push ne "Everything up-to-date")
$updated = 1;
if (!$updated)
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