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Created December 17, 2008 18:36
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dmilith:(~)$ jruby -v
jruby 1.1.7 (ruby 1.8.6 patchlevel 114) (2008-12-17 rev 8379+1) [i386-java]
dmilith:(~)$ uname -a
Linux vks-mirmil #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Nov 23 19:35:30 CET 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux
dmilith:(~/Projects/drAdmin)$ jgem install merb-more merb-core merb-haml merb_activerecord merb-mailer merb_test_unit --no-ri --no-rdoc
ERROR: While executing gem ... (ConcurrencyError)
Detected invalid array contents due to unsynchronized modifications with concurrent users
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