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Calculating infinity…

Daniel (dmilith) Dettlaff dmilith

Calculating infinity…
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// slide down content container
$(document).ready(function() {
// kill some actions which we don't want to handle ;}
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.show_main').bind('click', function() {
return false;
dmilith 13256 0.0 0.0 12272 1892 pts/2 SN 22:12 0:00 ruby -e sleep(5)
dmilith 13257 3.5 0.1 21732 5372 pts/2 SN 22:12 0:00 ruby -e require 'rubygems';sleep(5)
dmilith 13258 24.5 0.5 48384 19840 pts/2 SN 22:12 0:00 ruby -e require 'rubygems'; require 'haml'; sleep(5)
dmilith 13259 26.5 0.5 52412 19824 pts/2 SN 22:12 0:00 ruby -e require 'rubygems';?require 'json';sleep(5)
dmilith 13260 28.0 0.5 53100 20500 pts/2 SN 22:12 0:00 ruby -e require 'rubygems'; require 'haml'; require 'json'; sleep(5)
#-żyjeż:}-# jeznet 9365 8.1 0.8 79428 34120 pts/3 S 22:14 0:01 ruby -e require 'rubygems'; require 'activerecord';sleep(10)
jeznet 9380 8.9 0.8 83440 34148 pts/3 S 22:14 0:01 ruby -e require 'rubygems'; require 'haml'; require 'json'; require
'activerecord'; sleep(10)
jeznet 13163 0.0 0.0 12296 1888 pts/3 S 22:14 0:00 ruby -e sleep(10)
jeznet 13173 1.2 0.1 21752 5344 pts/3 S 22:14 0:00 ruby -e require 'rubygems';sleep(10)
jeznet 13188 7.6 0.4 47048 18436 pts/3 S 22:14 0:00 ruby -e require 'rubygems'; require 'haml'; sleep(10)
jeznet 13213 21.6 0.8 79428 34124 pts/3 S 22:14 0:01 ruby -e require 'rubygems'; require 'activerecord';sleep(10)
jeznet 13225 8.0 0.4 51056 18432 pts/3 S 22:14 0:00 ruby -e require 'rubygems'; require 'json';sleep(10)
jeznet 13245 8.8 0.4 51752 19108 pts/3 S 22:14 0:00 ruby -e require 'rubygems'; require 'haml'; require 'json'; sleep(10)
jeznet 13250 23.2 0.8 83448 341
dmilith 15099 6.3 0.6 666412 25008 pts/2 SNl 22:52 0:00 java -client -Djruby.memory.max=500m -Djruby.stack.max=1024k -Xmx500m -Xss1024k -Djna.boot.library.path=/home/dmilith/Projects/jruby/lib/native/linux-amd64:/home/dmilith/Projects/jruby/lib/native/linux-i386 -Xbootclasspath/a:/home/dmilith/Projects/jruby/lib/jruby.jar -classpath /home/dmilith/Projects/jruby/lib/bsf.jar:/home/dmilith/Projects/jruby/lib/jruby.jar:/home/dmilith/Projects/jruby/lib/profile.jar:/home/dmilith/Projects/jruby/lib/tools.jar: -Djruby.home=/home/dmilith/Projects/jruby -Djruby.lib=/home/dmilith/Projects/jruby/lib -Djruby.script=jruby org.jruby.Main -e sleep(15)
dmilith 15100 16.7 0.9 667828 36108 pts/2 SNl 22:52 0:02 java -client -Djruby.memory.max=500m -Djruby.stack.max=1024k -Xmx500m -Xss1024k -Djna.boot.library.path=/home/dmilith/Projects/jruby/lib/native/linux-amd64:/home/dmilith/Projects/jruby/lib/native/linux-i386 -Xbootclasspath/a:/h
set -x
export CC="gcc -m32 -march=athlon"
export CXX="g++ -m32 -march=athlon"
export CFLAGS="-m32 -march=athlon"
export CXXFLAGS="-m32 -march=athlon"
= throw_content :main_pl do
- if @admin
= "Tutaj proszę wprowadzić tekst formatowany:"
%script{ :type => "text/javascript" }
= form_for :text, :class => :text, :action => url( :action => :about, :method => :post ) do
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file src/org/jruby/ext/socket/
dmilith:(~)$ jruby -v
jruby 1.1.7 (ruby 1.8.6 patchlevel 114) (2008-12-17 rev 8379+1) [i386-java]
dmilith:(~)$ uname -a
Linux vks-mirmil #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Nov 23 19:35:30 CET 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux
dmilith:(~/Projects/drAdmin)$ jgem install merb-more merb-core merb-haml merb_activerecord merb-mailer merb_test_unit --no-ri --no-rdoc
ERROR: While executing gem ... (ConcurrencyError)
Detected invalid array contents due to unsynchronized modifications with concurrent users
dmilith:(~/Projects/drAdmin)$ jgem install mongrel --no-ri --no-rdoc < vks-mirmil >
Successfully installed mongrel-1.1.5-java
1 gem installed
dmilith:(~/Projects/drAdmin)$ jruby -S merb -a mongrel < vks-mirmil >
Loading init file from /home/dmilith/Projects/drAdmin/config/init.rb
Loading /home/dmilith/Projects/drAdmin/config/environments/development.rb
~ Connecting to database...
DEPRECATION WARNING: ActiveRecord::Base.verification_timeout= has been deprecated and no longer has any effect. Please remove all references to verification_timeout=.. (called from verification_timeout= at /home/dmilith/Projects/jruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_specification.rb:106)
~ Using ActiveRecord sessions
~ Loaded slice 'MerbAuthSlicePassword' ...
# version of gems used in project
merb_gems_version = "~> 1.0.0"
dependency "merb-action-args", merb_gems_version
dependency "merb-assets", merb_gems_version
dependency "merb-cache", merb_gems_version
dependency "merb-helpers", merb_gems_version
dependency "merb-slices", merb_gems_version
dependency "merb-auth-core", merb_gems_version
dependency "merb-auth-more", merb_gems_version