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Created November 15, 2022 08:46
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-- | A reverse put monad over a fixed-size bytestring buffer.
-- Reverse means this will put things starting from the end. This
-- is way more convenient for RADIUS attributes.
newtype Put a = Put { unPut :: Buffer -> IO (Buffer, a) }
data Buffer = Buffer
{ bEnd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr Word8) -- ^ end of the buffer (first byte - we are in reverse)
, bCur :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr Word8) -- ^ current position
instance Functor Put where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap f (Put g) = Put $ \buf -> do
(buf, x) <- g buf
pure (buf, f x)
instance Applicative Put where
{-# INLINE pure #-}
pure a = Put $ \buf -> pure (buf, a)
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
Put ff <*> Put fa = Put $ \buf -> do
(buf', f) <- ff buf
(buf'', a) <- fa buf'
pure (buf'', f a)
instance Monad Put where
{-# INLINE return #-}
return = pure
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
fa >>= f = Put $ \buf -> do
(buf', a) <- unPut fa buf
(buf'', b) <- unPut (f a) buf'
pure (buf'', b)
-- | Run a 'Put' encoder, but produce Nothing if any encoder exceeded any bounds.
runPutMaybe :: Int -> Put a -> Maybe BS.ByteString
runPutMaybe l p = unsafeDupablePerformIO ((Just <$> runPutIO l p) `catch` go)
go :: BufferExceeded -> IO (Maybe BS.ByteString)
go _ = pure Nothing
runPut :: Int -> Put a -> BS.ByteString
runPut l p = unsafeDupablePerformIO (runPutIO l p)
runPutIO :: Int -> Put a -> IO BS.ByteString
runPutIO l (Put f) = do
fptr <- mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes l
let ptr = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr
first = ptr `plusPtr` (l + 1)
buf = Buffer { bCur = first -- Set position to the end.
, bEnd = ptr
(buf, _) <- f buf
let offset = bCur buf `minusPtr` ptr
len = first `minusPtr` bCur buf
pure (BS.PS fptr offset len)
withLengthOf :: Put a -> (Int -> Put b) -> Put b
withLengthOf (Put p) f = Put $ \buf -> do
(buf', _) <- p buf
let written = bCur buf `minusPtr` bCur buf'
unPut (f written) buf'
fixed :: Show a => BS.FixedPrim a -> a -> Put ()
fixed fp a = withPtr (BS.size fp) (\ptr -> BS.runF fp a ptr)
-- | Helper for ByteString fixed prim builders.
-- The function is expected to advance the pointer forwards, while we use `consume` internally
-- and translate the buffer movement backwards.
withPtr :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> Put ()
withPtr n f = consume n $ \(Buffer e p) -> f p
ensure :: T.Text -> Int -> Put a -> Put a
ensure label l (Put p) = Put $ \buf -> do
(buf', r) <- p buf
case compare (bCur buf') (bCur buf `subPtr` l) of
EQ | bCur buf' > bEnd buf
-> pure (buf', r)
| otherwise
-> throwIO (BufferExceeded label)
LT -> throwIO (BufferExceeded label)
GT -> throwIO (MissingInput label)
consume :: Int -> (Buffer -> IO a) -> Put ()
consume len f | len >= 0 = Put $ \buf ->
let new = bCur buf `subPtr` len
buf' = buf { bCur = new }
in if new > bEnd buf then do f buf'
pure (buf', ())
else throwIO (BufferExceeded "")
| otherwise
= error "consume: negative length"
{-# INLINE putWord64BE #-}
putWord64BE :: Word64 -> Put ()
putWord64BE = fixed BS.word64BE
{-# INLINE putWord32BE #-}
putWord32BE :: Word32 -> Put ()
putWord32BE = fixed BS.word32BE
{-# INLINE putWord16BE #-}
putWord16BE :: Word16 -> Put ()
putWord16BE = fixed BS.word16BE
{-# INLINE putWord8 #-}
putWord8 :: Word8 -> Put ()
putWord8 = fixed BS.word8
{-# INLINE putInt64BE #-}
putInt64BE :: Int64 -> Put ()
putInt64BE = fixed BS.int64BE
{-# INLINE putInt32BE #-}
putInt32BE :: Int32 -> Put ()
putInt32BE = fixed BS.int32BE
{-# INLINE putInt16BE #-}
putInt16BE :: Int16 -> Put ()
putInt16BE = fixed BS.int16BE
{-# INLINE putInt8 #-}
putInt8 :: Int8 -> Put ()
putInt8 = fixed BS.int8
{-# INLINE putFloatBE #-}
putFloatBE :: Float -> Put ()
putFloatBE = fixed BS.floatBE
{-# INLINE putDoubleBE #-}
putDoubleBE :: Double -> Put ()
putDoubleBE = fixed BS.doubleBE
{-# INLINE putByteString #-}
putByteString :: BS.ByteString -> Put ()
putByteString bs = let l = BS.length bs
in withPtr l $ \dst -> do
BS.unsafeUseAsCString bs (\src -> copyBytes dst (castPtr src) l)
{-# INLINE subPtr #-}
subPtr :: Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr a
subPtr ptr a = ptr `plusPtr` negate a
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