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dminuoso/f.hs Secret

Created October 24, 2022 12:09
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
newtype ValidT e m a = ValidT { runValidT :: forall r. [e] -> ([e] -> a -> m r) -> m r }
instance Functor (ValidT e m) where
fmap f (ValidT m) = ValidT $ \s succ -> m s (\s' a' -> succ s' (f a'))
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
instance Applicative (ValidT e m) where
{-# INLINE pure #-}
pure x = ValidT $ \s succ -> succ s x
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
ValidT f <*> ValidT v = ValidT $ \s succ ->
f s (\s' g -> v s' (\s'' a -> succ s'' (g a)))
{-# INLINE (*>) #-}
m *> k = m >>= \_ -> k
instance Monad (ValidT s m) where
{-# INLINE return #-}
return x = ValidT $ \s succ -> succ s x
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
ValidT m >>= k = ValidT $ \s succ -> m s (\s' x -> runValidT (k x) s' succ)
addError :: e -> ValidT e m ()
addError e = ValidT $ \s succ -> succ (e:s) ()
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