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dminuoso/f.hs Secret

Last active December 10, 2021 10:57
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exceptionJust :: Exception e
=> (e -> Maybe b)
-> (b -> IO n)
-> (r -> IO n)
-> IO r
-> IO n
exceptionJust p e h a = either pure h =<< catchJust p (fmap Right a) (fmap Left <$> e)
handler :: Int -> PendingConnection -> IO ()
handler pid pending = handle uncaught $ do
exceptionFileNotExist manifestNotFound
(decodeManifest pid)
acceptWithManifest manifest = handleManifest manifest =<< acceptRequest pending
manifestNotFound _ = rejectRequestWith defaultRejectRequest{ rejectCode = 404 }
uncaught _ = rejectRequestWith defaultRejectRequest{ rejectCode = 500 }
exceptionFileNotExist =
exceptionJust (\f -> if isDoesNotExistError f then Just f else Nothing)
handleManifest :: Manifest -> Connection -> IO ()
handleManifest = ....
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