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Created April 20, 2017 20:06
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import { put, call, race, fork, take, cancel, select, delay, cancelled } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { makeSelectMask } from './selectors';
import { createRequestCreators } from './actions';
function* fetchEntity(entity, apiFn, opts, id, url) {
try {
yield put(entity.request(id));
const { response, error } = yield call(apiFn, url || id);
if (response) {
yield put(entity.success(id, response));
} else {
if (opts.handleError) {
yield put(entity.failure(id, error));
} finally {
if (yield cancelled()) {
yield put(entity.cancel());
export const searchWatchChange = (searchConstants) => (
function* () { // eslint-disable-line func-names
for (;;) {
const { setField } = yield race({
setField: take(searchConstants.SET_FIELD),
setPage: take(searchConstants.SET_PAGE),
setPageSize: take(searchConstants.SET_PAGE_SIZE),
if (setField) {
yield put({ type: searchConstants.START_SEARCH, wait: 250 });
} else {
yield put({ type: searchConstants.START_SEARCH });
export const searchWatchStart = (searchConstants, selectSearch, apiFn, handleError) => {
const searchCreators = createRequestCreators(searchConstants.FETCH_STATUS);
const loadResults = fetchEntity.bind(null, searchCreators, apiFn, { handleError });
const selectMask = makeSelectMask(selectSearch);
return function* () { // eslint-disable-line func-names
let lastTask;
for (;;) {
const { wait } = yield take(searchConstants.START_SEARCH);
if (lastTask) {
yield cancel(lastTask);
const searchMask = yield select(selectMask);
lastTask = yield fork(function* () { // eslint-disable-line func-names
if (wait) {
yield call(delay, wait);
yield call(loadResults, searchMask);
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